Claris just released the Problem Solvers Circle and here at Viovelt we got a preview of Claris Studio and Claris Pro ( FileMaker Version 20) fmp

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Contact info: Johann Vivas
00:00 Intro
00:40 Claris Studio main Portal
01:03 Downloads No need for licenseCert.fmcert anymore.
01:18 Soon Claris Pro will be free to download from the appStore as a one user license.
02:04 Studio Forms. How they work. Create, edit and share link with anonymous users.
05:38 Studio List view of data captured.
06:44 Sharing a forms link.
07:30 Integrating your Claris FileMaker Solution with Studio Forms.
08:40 Studio data sources
09:15 Data types for studio forms. Calculations and Summary only for now.