A FileMaker Framework Reduces Development and Maintenance Costs | Learning Claris FileMaker | Scoop.it

The FileMaker platform is super flexible and makes it incredibly easy to start building custom software quickly. Yet it's this very feature that too often leads to coding nightmares: poorly planned development, code that is difficult to understand or translate to other developers, and solutions that become difficult and costly to maintain long-term. Years after it was created, it is easy to forget how a solution was developed, even if the solution has never changed hands, and the more complex an app becomes, the more likely it is to break because of forgotten or invisible dependencies. If the solution does change hands, it can be more difficult to decipher.

We strive to evolve our development systems and processes to minimize these scenarios. One way we've done that is to create and train developers on a development framework for our FileMaker solutions based on software industry best practices and innovative FileMaker-specific practices that vastly reduce dependencies and code redundancy. We perpetually refine our framework to allow us to create apps that are easy to modify and maintain, while retaining enough flexibility to take full advantage of FileMaker's rapid development features for customizing software to serve our clients' unique organizations. 

Our framework borrows from the time-tested principles of the model-view-controller (MVC) design pattern and object-oriented programming (OOP).

These principles allow us to organize and code solutions in a way that is modular, easily extensible, and self-documenting.


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