Daylite vs. FileMaker®-based CRMs — Which is the Better CRM? | Learning Claris FileMaker |

Daylite vs. FileMaker®-based CRMs — Which is the Better CRM?

With so many high-quality CRMs on the market, choosing the one that’s the best fit for your business can be difficult.

In this post, we (Scarpetta group) ’ll be taking a look at two types: Daylite by Market Circle and FileMaker-based CRMs.

Each offers a range of capabilities and the ability to scale for growth.


But there are important differences.


Choosing a CRM is a vital decision that will impact your company’s success.

You are the expert on the unique needs of your business, so doing a careful examination of the most important features you’ll need is time well spent.


Now let’s take a closer look at Daylite and FileMaker-based CRMs.