Passing Script Parameters in FileMaker - A Developer's Guide | Learning Claris FileMaker |

What Are Script Parameters?

Script parameters are one of many tools that all FileMaker developers should learn to utilize when developing custom FileMaker applications.

Numerous benefits include writing fewer scripts, increased code reusability, and improved coding organization.

By designing your scripts to pass parameters, you can use a single script with logic branching (i.e., IF, ELSE IF, ELSE) to perform multiple actions within your FileMaker solution.

For example, you can create a Sales Order record in your FileMaker solution.

You can create a Sales Order from a few different contexts in your solution, such as from a Customer record, from a previous Sales Order, or from a cancelled Order.

Often there are similar requirements when creating a Sales Order from each of these contexts.

Maybe you need to know the corresponding customer for this order, or maybe you need to know shipping address.

By passing script parameters you can use a single script to create a Sales Order from various contexts without having to write and maintain a separate script.

There are many ways to format and pass scripts parameters in FileMaker and in this blog post we are going to start from the beginning and work our way up to the various ways we can pass multiple script parameters.


This blog post borrows heavily from Makah Encarnacao's FileMaker DevCon 2018 presentation, so be sure to check out her video, slides and example file for more details.