Claris platform: Pro comparison | by uLearnIT | Learning Claris FileMaker |

Claris platform: Pro comparison 

In our previous article, introducing The Claris Platform, we outlined the three toolsets available — Claris Pro, Claris Connect and Claris Studio. 

The largest of these toolsets is Claris Pro, and the headline product in that toolset is Claris Pro itself. 

What is Claris Pro? 

Claris Pro is the FileMaker Pro app ported to the Claris platform. 

So the good news is that you likely already know how to use Claris Pro. 

Claris Pro allows you to create, develop and use database files. Essentially, it has all the features of FileMaker Pro but works on the Claris platform. 

There are some differences but most of these have very little impact on how you build databases. 

Differences are primarily in line with differences in the way each platform works and what is supported.

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