FileMaker Power Finds | Extensitech | Learning Claris FileMaker |

Power Finds

I’ve been working with FileMaker for a really long time, about 20 years now. For the last dozen or so years, I’ve been a full-time developer of FileMaker solutions. I spend a lot of time developing cool new solutions with neat features and interfaces, for a lot of different business applications.  I sometimes forget that not everyone eats, sleeps and breathes FileMaker from the moment the wake to the moment they sleep (and sometimes even after that, in dreams).

Because of all that, I sometimes get so focused on the latest new technique or strategy that I take some really powerful, basic functions of FileMaker for granted. A prime example of this is the power of the Find mode.

Usually, my first clue is that a client is overly concerned about being able to sort records. Only then do I realize that they’re wasting time sorting long lists and scrolling through them, because they don’t realize they can do a better Find an get to exactly what they want. Sort is great for a small set of records, and of course it’s essential for a good report, but if you’re sorting hundreds of records and then scrolling to find what you’re looking for, then… how else to say it?… you’re doing it wrong.