CNS Plug-ins: CNS Image | FileMaker | Learning Claris FileMaker |

CNS Image is a FileMaker plug-in for working with images stored in container fields or stored on the hard drive.


On the most basic level, you can use CNS Image to Import images from the hard drive into FileMaker container fields and Export images from container fields to the hard drive using hard-coded paths or dialogs.


However, Importing and Exporting images is only the beginning of CNS Image.

The plug-in can do so much more with your images.


You can Rotate images; you can create small thumbnails in your database of a much larger images on the hard drive.

You can split PDFs into multiple images and browse through them all from FileMaker.

You can download images from the internet into a container field; and apply filters like brightness to your images. All of these things and more are possible.

CNS Image is not just for FileMaker Pro either.


Everything that works under FileMaker Pro will also work under FileMaker Server, with the obvious exception of bringing up a dialog for selecting a file to Import or Export.

This means you can use Scheduled Scripts to batch process images at night, or create Instant/Custom Web Publishing/WebDirect solutions that can convert, stretch, crop, and more.