A Remarkable Animation Of The History Of The Universe | Le BONHEUR comme indice d'épanouissement social et économique. | Scoop.it

There’s so much we know that we’ll never see. We can extrapolate the concept of the Big Bang--the explosion of everything in the universe from a focused point.
So projects like Beginning, an animation by Grzegorz Nowiński from Novina Studio, are remarkably important. It tells a sort of good parts version of the history of the universe, from the Big Bang to the rise of humankind. Not only is the piece pure visual delight filled with stark textures and fine particle effects that look particularly stunning when projected on water, Beginning is a grounding piece of context--somewhat imagined, sure--but the sort of imagined thing that very much centers our perspective of reality. The average person sort of knows what the Big Bang looked like because of projects like this one, even if Beginning is far more stylized than photoreal.

Via Lauren Moss