Green Infrastructure: Here's To Your Health! | Le BONHEUR comme indice d'épanouissement social et économique. |
Design teams are capitalizing on evidence that links the built environment and wellness to make better places for living, healing, and working.

Green infrastructure serving walkable, mixed-use communiities; benign construction materials; durable, day-lit buildings; renewable energy. These are ingrediencts in a familiar prescription for a more sustainable built environment. What the design community now realizes is that it's also a prescription for better public health...


As synergies between green building and public health become more widely understood, the pace of change may quicken. Back in New York, Chris Garvin, a sustainable design consultant with Terrapin Bright Green, serves on numerous advisory boards, including the Mayor's Office of Long-Term Planning and Sustainability. In Garvin's experience, "the health issue drives implementation faster than the energy issue." Hayes concurs: "Public health may be the largest motivator there is."

Via Lauren Moss