Le BONHEUR comme indice d'épanouissement social et économique.
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Le BONHEUR comme indice d'épanouissement social et économique.
Le bonheur c'est comment on fait pour vivre ensemble
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Rescooped by association concert urbain from Conscience Globale

« Il serait INJUSTE de voir dans l'entrepreneuriat social quelque chose de totalement neuf »

« Il serait INJUSTE de voir dans l'entrepreneuriat social quelque chose de totalement neuf » | Le BONHEUR comme indice d'épanouissement social et économique. | Scoop.it
Professeur à l’université de Liège et spécialiste de l’économie solidaire, Jacques Defourny revient sur le boom de l'entrepreneuriat social ces dernières années et sur la différence entre États-Unis et Europe dans le domaine.

Via Philippe Serafin, Conscience
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Rescooped by association concert urbain from Getting older with the flow

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: Flow, the secret to HAPPINESS

 Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi asks, "What makes a life worth living?" Noting that money cannot make us happy, he looks to those who find pleasure and lasting satisfaction in activities that bring about a state of "flow."

Via Monika Fleischmann
Monika Fleischmann's curator insight, August 10, 2013 4:09 AM

Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi asks, "What makes a life worth living?" Noting that money cannot make us happy, he looks to those who find pleasure and lasting satisfaction in activities that bring about a state of "flow."


What makes you excited? When is it that you feel part of something larger? Play the piano. Be with your best friend. Work, if you like working. Concentrate and focus of one topic. Bring yourself into that flow channel as often as possible in everyday life! Flow in Poetry is "opening a door". Flow, experienced by responsable and ethical CEOs, is "something that helps others and makes you feel happy?" Not only knowing, but doing is important. Your skills and your challenges need to be close, then you will not be unable to cope or on the other hand unchallenged.


When is a person in flow? How does it feel to be in flow?

- Completely involved in what we are doing - focused, concentrated.

- A sense of ecstasy - of being outside everyday reality.

- Great inner clarity - knowing what needs to be done, and how ell we are doing.

- Knowing that the activity is doable - that our skills are adequate to the task.

- A sense of serenity - no worries about oneself, and a feeling of growing beyond th eboundaries of the ego.

- Timelessness - thouroughly focused on the present, hours seem to pass by in minutes.

- Intrinsic motivation - whatever produces flow becomes its own reward.


"How to live life as a work of art, rather than as a chaotic response to external events..."



Finding Flow: The Psychology Of Engagement With Everyday Life by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. 1997



Review of Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihaly. "Flow" includes the importance of learning how to control the contents of our consciousness as well as how to get ourselves more consistently into the state of optimal experience known as Flow.




Mihaly's work is fundamental to understanding the inputs that go into leading a fulfilling, meaningful career and/or life. Other writers and researchers who we feel build on this are Simon Sinek (Start With Why), Daniel Pink (Drive), Malcolm Gladwell (Outliers) and, from a more academic, positive psychology perspective, Jonathan Haidt (The Happiness Hypothesis, UVA), Daniel Gilbert (Stumbling on Happiness, Harvard), Chris Peterson (UMichigan) & Martin Seligman (Authentic Happiness, UPenn).


Flow: Das Geheimnis des Glücks

Wer das Glück will, muss das Chaos im eigenen Kopf beherrschen. Wer frei sein will, muss nur seine Ziele kennen. Das Buch fasst jahrzehntelange Forschung über die positiven Aspekte menschlicher Erfahrungen zusammen: Freude, Kreativität und den Prozess vollständigen Einsseins mit dem Leben, den der Autor FLOW nennt.Wer das Glück will, muss das Chaos im eigenen Kopf beherrschen. Wer frei sein will, muss nur seine Ziele kennen. Das Buch fasst jahrzehntelange Forschung über die positiven Aspekte menschlicher Erfahrungen zusammen: Freude, Kreativität und den Prozess vollständigen Einsseins mit dem Leben, den der Autor FLOW nennt.


la Fabrique Spinoza's comment, April 24, 2014 5:51 AM
Retrouvez le flow au coeur du rapport de la Fabrique Spinoza "Bien-être et éducation : comment mettre le système éducatif au service de l’épanouissement des élèves ?" : http://fabriquespinoza.fr/rapports/education-bien-etre/
Scooped by association concert urbain

Les 8 regles de l'ENGAGEMENT - Petit manifeste de l'engagement

Les 8 regles de l'ENGAGEMENT - Petit manifeste de l'engagement | Le BONHEUR comme indice d'épanouissement social et économique. | Scoop.it
Bénédicte Berche's curator insight, July 23, 2015 1:35 PM

quand les grandes marques s'expriment sur le sujet de l'engagement...

1_LA CONSCIENCE Michel & Augustin 




5_L’INNOVATION Decathlon

6_LA RENOMMÉE Volkswagen



Christine Aizpurua's curator insight, July 24, 2015 8:36 AM

Voici les 8 règles de l'engagement qui pourrait être adoptées par les manager et les dirigeants afin de mieux les transmettre aux collaborateurs. Un outil intéressant pour une meilleure transparence, peut être la finalité de la RSE
Merci pour le partage Philippe-Olivier Clement

Brigitte de BOUCAUD's curator insight, July 25, 2015 4:06 AM

Les conditions de l'engagement : un sujet complexe et stratégique