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La fouille de textes et de données à des fins de recherche : une pratique confirmée et désormais opérationnelle en droit français <

La fouille de textes et de données à des fins de recherche : une pratique confirmée et désormais opérationnelle en droit français < | LaLIST Veille Inist-CNRS |
« La fouille de textes et de données à des fins de recherche : une pratique confirmée et désormais opérationnelle en droit français grâce à la transposition de la directive européenne sur le droit …
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Releasing 1.8 million open access publications from publisher systems for text and data mining –

Releasing 1.8 million open access publications from publisher systems for text and data mining – | LaLIST Veille Inist-CNRS |
« Text and data mining offers an opportunity to improve the way we access and analyse the outputs of academic research. But the technical infrastructure of the current scholarly communication syste…
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VISA TM – Vers une Infrastructure de Services Avancés de text-mining –

VISA TM – Vers une Infrastructure de Services Avancés de text-mining – | LaLIST Veille Inist-CNRS |
« L’objectif du projet est d’étudier les conditions de production de services TDM (Text & Data Mining) à haute valeur ajoutée basés sur l’analyse sémantique à destination des chercheurs. Souten…
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« It’s time for our final episode of this series of ‘Key concepts and areas in TDM explained’. This time Robert Patton of the Oak Ridge National Laboratories introduces Deep Learning and discusses …
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Le SNE publie une enquête sur la consommation papier des éditeurs

Le SNE publie une enquête sur la consommation papier des éditeurs | LaLIST Veille Inist-CNRS |
« La Commission environnement et fabrication du Syndicat national de l’édition (SNE) publie une enquête sur la consommation de papier des éditeurs de livres pour les années 2013- 2016. Cette enquêt…
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Unrestricted Text and Data Mining with allofPLOS

Unrestricted Text and Data Mining with allofPLOS | LaLIST Veille Inist-CNRS |
« Content mining, machine learning, text and data mining (TDM) and data analytics all refer to the process of obtaining information through machine-read material. Faster than a human possibly could…
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Key concepts and areas in TDM explained – part 2: Knowledge Representation

Key concepts and areas in TDM explained – part 2: Knowledge Representation | LaLIST Veille Inist-CNRS |
« It’s time for the second part of ‘Key concepts and areas in TDM explained’. This time, Jevin West tells us more about  “Text and Data Mining” and “Knowledge Representation” in three sh…
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Text mining et topic modeling avec R

Text mining et topic modeling avec R | LaLIST Veille Inist-CNRS |
« Nous avons déjà vu sur ce blog deux approches : comment faire vos premiers pas avec une méthode basique d’analyse fréquentiste, en comparant {tidytext} et {tm} dans notre premier bille…
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Key concepts and areas in TDM explained – part 1

Key concepts and areas in TDM explained – part 1 | LaLIST Veille Inist-CNRS |
« What are the benefits of text and data mining (TDM) and how can its practices be applied in science? We asked recognised experts in the field to introduce key areas and concepts in sho…
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How TDM can unlock a goldmine of information

How TDM can unlock a goldmine of information | LaLIST Veille Inist-CNRS |
« From September 6th– September 8th, over 200 people with an interest in open science came together in Athens for the Open Science Fair. OpenMinTeD was one of the co-organisers, and also…
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University of Cambridge: LibGuide: Text & Data Mining (TDM)

University of Cambridge: LibGuide: Text & Data Mining (TDM) | LaLIST Veille Inist-CNRS |
« The aim of this guide is to make a start towards exposing the breadth of content (mostly library-subscribed) that may be of potential exploitation by Cambridge researchers wanting to u…
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This is what Europe can do to Stimulate Text and Data Mining

This is what Europe can do to Stimulate Text and Data Mining | LaLIST Veille Inist-CNRS |
« Text and data mining – using algorithms to analyse content in ways that would be impossible for humans – is shaping up to be a vital research tool of the 21st century. But Europe lags …
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The legal and policy framework for scientific data sharing, mining and reuse

The legal and policy framework for scientific data sharing, mining and reuse | LaLIST Veille Inist-CNRS |
« L’extraction de textes et de données (Text and Data Mining), le traitement automatique ou la fouille de grandes quantités d’articles scientifiques et de jeux de données, est une …
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Grégory Smits. « Personnalisation et enrichissement des méthodes d’accès aux données » –

Grégory Smits. « Personnalisation et enrichissement des méthodes d’accès aux données » – | LaLIST Veille Inist-CNRS |
« La transformation de données en connaissances constitue une tâche cruciale au cœur de nombreuses activités professionnelles. Deux principales stratégies peuvent être envisagées pour effectuer cet…
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Text Data Mining from the Author’s Perspective: Whose Text, Whose Mining, and to Whose Benefit? –

Text Data Mining from the Author’s Perspective: Whose Text, Whose Mining, and to Whose Benefit? – | LaLIST Veille Inist-CNRS |
« Given the many technical, social, and policy shifts in access to scholarly content since the early days of text data mining, it is time to expand the conversation about text data mining from conc…
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TDM STORIES: A Text & Data Miner Talks About Analysing The Recent Past

TDM STORIES: A Text & Data Miner Talks About Analysing The Recent Past | LaLIST Veille Inist-CNRS |
« Federico Nanni is a researcher who uses TDM to build collections of materials from large archives which can be used to better understand recent, historically critical events such as the rise of E…
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Key concepts and areas in TDM explained – Part 5: Knowledge Discovery

Key concepts and areas in TDM explained – Part 5: Knowledge Discovery | LaLIST Veille Inist-CNRS |
« Knowledge discovery is the process of discovering new information. In text and data mining this happens for example by finding new connections or trends in a large amount of text and data. Ron Da…
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Key concepts and areas in TDM explained – Part 4: Semantic Search

Key concepts and areas in TDM explained – Part 4: Semantic Search | LaLIST Veille Inist-CNRS |
« In the old days, if you would do a search in a search engine, you would get a lot of irrelevant hits that for some reason contained the keyword you used. Nowadays search engines give you much bet…
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Key concepts and areas in TDM explained – Part 3: Recommenders and filtering

Key concepts and areas in TDM explained – Part 3: Recommenders and filtering | LaLIST Veille Inist-CNRS |
« One of the things you can do with textmining, is discovering conceptually related items within a collection of text and data. Want to know more? Anas Alzogbi is research assistant and doctoral st…
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Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University: Welcome to VOSviewer

Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University: Welcome to VOSviewer | LaLIST Veille Inist-CNRS |
« VOSviewer is a software tool for constructing and visualizing bibliometric networks. These networks may for instance include journals, researchers, or individual publications, and they…
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Future directive UE sur le droit d’auteur : chercheurs entre espoirs et inquiétudes

Future directive UE sur le droit d’auteur : chercheurs entre espoirs et inquiétudes | LaLIST Veille Inist-CNRS |
« Frédéric Hélein, membre de la Bibliothèques Scientifique Numérique 7 et directeur scientifique du RNBM, analyse l’enjeu pour les chercheurs de la directive européenne sur le droi…
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Text and data mining: a new service for libraries?

Text and data mining: a new service for libraries? | LaLIST Veille Inist-CNRS |
« Text and data mining (TDM), the automated analysis of digital data searching for trends, correlations and patterns, is rapidly gaining prominence due to exponentially increasing amount…
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NaCTeM involved in research partnership with the BBC to unlock the potential of data in the media

NaCTeM involved in research partnership with the BBC to unlock the potential of data in the media | LaLIST Veille Inist-CNRS |
« BBC Research and Development has launched a five-year research partnership with eight UK Universities, including the University of Manchester, to unlock the potential of data in the me…
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The Text and Data mining functionalities of the PoolParty Semantic Suite

The Text and Data mining functionalities of the PoolParty Semantic Suite | LaLIST Veille Inist-CNRS |
« The webinar focused on the textmining and entity- / text extraction capability of PoolParty Semantic Suite that is used for: support of the continuous modelling of industrial knowledge…
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Vers une Infrastructure de Services Avancés de text-mining – VISA TM

Vers une Infrastructure de Services Avancés de text-mining – VISA TM | LaLIST Veille Inist-CNRS |
« L’Inist partenaire du projet VISA TM La création d’une offre en fouille de texte et de données – TDM (text and data mining) à destination des chercheurs s’avère prépondérante dans le c…
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