Edible Wild Herbs Recipes | Borage Fritters - Borragine Fritta | La Cucina Italiana - De Italiaanse Keuken - The Italian Kitchen | Scoop.it

It’s that time of year … borage shows up at markets with its intensely blue, five-petal flowers, which is why this herb is also known as “starflower”. Nature can be such a ham with excess on occasion but it cannot be denied that she knows a trick or two about seduction. Borage looks so … so … “fresh” and “vivid” and come-hither, reminding us that Spring is all about promise and potential, renewal and re-jewel. Borage is very Alice in Wonderland … Eat Me.[...]
Once trimmed, the borage needs proper cleaning, I was able to wash and rinse them in the kitchen sink.
When the water came to the boil, I added some salt and gently slid the borage leaves into the pot. The idea is to wilt the borage, so only a few minutes of simmering will suffice. Drain the borage and allow to cool. Shape the borage into little patties ... [...]

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Via Mariano Pallottini