La Cucina Italiana - De Italiaanse Keuken - The Italian Kitchen
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La Cucina Italiana - De Italiaanse Keuken - The Italian Kitchen
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Introducing olives all'ascolana

Introducing olives all'ascolana | La Cucina Italiana - De Italiaanse Keuken - The Italian Kitchen |

Named after their city of origin, Ascoli Piceno (Marche region) where they were first prepared, the variety of olives that is used got the PDO status in 2005.It’s a simple recipe and a very versatile food, as it can be considered as street food, finger food or as a tasty appetizer. They say it may date back to the early 19th century. At that time, some chefs invented this recipe that combines the pulpy green olives grown in Ascoli Piceno and the meat that the noblemen they worked for received in huge quantities by their peasants. Nowadays, you can find them frozen in the supermarket, but people from Marche keep up the tradition to make them from scratch on Sundays.


  • olives from Ascoli piceno;
  • mixture of beef and pork meat;
  • white wine;
  • egg yolks;
  • grated parmesan cheese;
  • flour;
  • breadcrumbs


Via Mariano Pallottini
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Rescooped by Good Things From Italy from Le Marche un'altra Italia!

Ascoli Piceno e il suo Fritto Misto - Tgcom24

Ascoli Piceno e il suo Fritto Misto - Tgcom24 | La Cucina Italiana - De Italiaanse Keuken - The Italian Kitchen |

I buoni sapori si danno appuntamento ad Ascoli Piceno fino a domenica 4 maggio con la decima edizione di Fritto Misto, la kermesse, che accompagna turisti e visitatori tra mille delizie del palato. In Piazza Arringo, per tutta la durata della manifestazione, il Palafritto accoglie i buongustai dalle ore 12 alle ore 15 e dalle 18 alle 23, con i tradizionali sapori mediterranei, ma anche con le prelibatezze esotiche e con quelle internazionali. Tra arancini, olive e panzerotti di casa nostra, empanadas peruviane, pita gyros greche, tempura giapponesi e molto altro ancora, si corre una vera e propria maratona del gusto. Il filo conduttore è ovviamente la frittura. [...]

Via Mariano Pallottini
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Rescooped by Good Things From Italy from Le Marche and Food!

Italian Stuffed Olives "all'Ascolana"

Italian Stuffed Olives "all'Ascolana" | La Cucina Italiana - De Italiaanse Keuken - The Italian Kitchen |

True lovers of the dish know that when making these olives for guests, one should always calculate at least ten olives per person. Which means, yes, almost one hundred olives for eight people. But let’s start from the beginning, as the purists would. The olives used for Olive all’Ascolana should be the “Ascolana Tenera” variety, which are kept in pickled water with a touch of fennel seeds before being stuffed with beef, pork or white meat and then fried in extra-virgin olive oil. In 2005, the olives all’Ascolana from Piceno area were included in Europe’s Protected Designation of Origin scheme. Zè Migliori is the owner of a famed delicatessen in the center of Ascoli Piceno. “The exact recipe for our stuffing is a family secret – and each family has its own – but usually it includes three kinds of meat: chicken, veal and pork cooked with seasoning and sautéed in butter, Parmigiano and nutmeg. The meat should be ground in a meat grinder only after cooking.” [...]

Via Mariano Pallottini
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Rescooped by Good Things From Italy from Le Marche and Food!

Stovetop Chicken video recipe, Olives and Le Marche with Lidia Bastianich

Lidia knows that everyone is pressed for time these days and always looking for a quick, simple and delicious dish to put on the table for the family during the week. Her Chicken with Olives, Pinenuts and Celery Steamed in a Skillet, does the trick! In this episode Lidia asks, "Why did the chicken cross the road?" get to the olive grove of course! Lidia also visits with the Petrini family in the beautiful region of Le Marche and talks about the olive varietals particular to this region—especially the Ascoli olive.

Via Mariano Pallottini
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Rescooped by Good Things From Italy from Le Marche another Italy!

Fritto Connection: The World festival of Fried Food

Fritto Connection: The World festival of Fried Food | La Cucina Italiana - De Italiaanse Keuken - The Italian Kitchen |

For those of you with a sweet tooth, don’t miss the Fritto Misto in Ascoli Piceno from April the 25th to May the 1st. Between Piazza Arringo and the beautiful Chiostro di San Francesco, you’ll be tempted by fried specialties from all over the world and, of course, Italy all courting the undisputed queen of the area: l’Oliva Tenera Ascolana d.o.p. an excellent and renowned product from southern Marche. Don't forget to taste the typical Fritto misto all'Ascolana that include the famous “Olive Fritte all'Ascolana” (stuffed Meat Fried Olives).
To digest you can walk the marvelous marble narrow roads of the magnificent town of Ascoli Piceno to end with an anisette ‘con la mosca’ of famous Meletti Cafè. The liquor is immersed in a coffee bean, hence the name, and you can enjoy its fresh and pungent smell in the surroundings of the Liberty furnishings of the historic bar, for an exquisitely retro experience.

Via Mariano Pallottini
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Rescooped by Good Things From Italy from Vivere in Italia!

Fritto Misto 2014, 10 anni di gusto da impanare!

Fritto Misto 2014, 10 anni di gusto da impanare! | La Cucina Italiana - De Italiaanse Keuken - The Italian Kitchen |

Dai ristoranti pluristellati alla nouvelle cuisine fino ai banchetti di strada “una cosa è certa: fra tutti i cibi, il fritto è il più amato”. Così si legge nella prefazione di “10 in pastella – Ricette e personaggi di Fritto Misto”, una raccolta di cinquanta ricette che negli anni hanno decretato il successo della kermesse.

Fino al 4 maggio Ascoli Piceno ospita la decima edizione di “Fritto Misto” la celebre iniziativa che ormai da anni guida turisti e visitatori nei meandri del gusto. Per tutta la durata della manifestazione, dalle 12:00 alle 15:00 e dalle 18:00 alle 23:00, golosi e curiosi saranno accolti nel Palafritto, da sempre cuore pulsante della manifestazione.

Una festa per il palato, dai tradizionali sapori mediterranei alle prelibatezze internazionali fino ai piatti esotici. L’Oliva Ascolana sarà come sempre protagonista indiscussa della manifestazione ma la maratona del gusto si correrà fra aranciniolive e panzerotti di casa nostra, empanadas peruviane, pita gyros greche, tempura giapponesi e molto altro ancora. Linea comune a tutte le specialità, neanche a dirlo, la frittura che, in barba alle diete, viene addirittura celebrata in un Libro di Ricette. [...]

Via Mariano Pallottini
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Rescooped by Good Things From Italy from Le Marche un'altra Italia!

Un primo da ordinare nei Ristoranti di Ascoli Piceno e provincia: Ravioloni al tartufo

Un primo da ordinare nei Ristoranti di Ascoli Piceno e provincia: Ravioloni al tartufo | La Cucina Italiana - De Italiaanse Keuken - The Italian Kitchen |

Sicuramente vi sarà già capitato di mangiarlo in qualche Ristorante ad Ascoli Piceno o nella zona montana, ma se avete voglia di prepararli in casa eccovi la ricetta!

Ingredienti (4 persone):

300 g di farina150 g di ricotta di Amandola (preferibilmente di latte vaccino)40 g di burro1 ciuffo di salviaolio d’oliva q.b.pepe q.b.4 uova100 g di pecorino dei Sibillini130 ml di latte1 tartufo nero3 cucchiai di semolinoIstruzioni

Via Mariano Pallottini
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Ascoli Piceno, Caffè Meletti and the Aperol Spritz Recipe

Ascoli Piceno, Caffè Meletti and the Aperol Spritz Recipe | La Cucina Italiana - De Italiaanse Keuken - The Italian Kitchen |

The Aperol Spritz became my particular aperitivo of choice while in Italy. The biggest city near my father’s home town was called Ascoli Piceno in the Marche region (you’ll hear more about the beauty of Marche and the stay at my dad’s hometown in a later post). And in Ascoli Piceno within the Piazza del Popolo (square of the people) there stands Caffe Melletti, a bar opened in 1907 which represents the Art Nouveau style beautifully. Heritage listed and still as charming as the day it was opened, it was here at Caffee Melletti that my love of the Aperol aperitivo was born
Dreaming of it ever since leaving Italy, I am delighted to share my recipe for Aperol Spritz for you to enjoy.
It is a perfect drink to start off your Christmas day feast this year. Especially for those of us who celebrate a Christmas and New Year’s beside the beach!

APEROL SPRITZ - Serves one

Ice cubes50ml Aperol75ml Prosecco (Italian sparkling)Soda Water (to top up)1 slice orange

Add Aperol to a large glass filled with ice, then add Prosecco. Stir together and top up with Soda water and add orange.

NB. If making a jug, first determine how many glasses the jug will fill, then increase the quantities accordingly.

Via Mariano Pallottini
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Rescooped by Good Things From Italy from Le Marche and Food!

Eaten this Easter in Le Marche: Deep-Fried Custard Cubes - Crema Fritta

Eaten this Easter in Le Marche: Deep-Fried Custard Cubes - Crema Fritta | La Cucina Italiana - De Italiaanse Keuken - The Italian Kitchen |

Some of the most authentic regional fare in the Marches, mainly the Ascoli Piceno area, are the small but scrumptious treats that can be both street food that accompany drinks at happy hours or appetizers or take part in the composition of mixed fried Ascoli Style, served on special occasions, such as Easter, Wedding receptions - crema fritta or cremini (literally deep-fried custard). Whether you are a gourmet or a distracted traveller you will be enthralled by these little golden diamonds that are so sweet and tasty!
Here's the recipe :
80 g sugar
80 g flour
the zest of one organic lemon in strips
4 eggs
500 ml fresh whole milk, boiled and allowed to cool
a pinch of salt
a stick of cinnamon
extra-virgin olive oil
2 cups of fresh bread crumbs

Anisette Meletti

Click for Directions

Via Mariano Pallottini
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