High Quality Stock Photos for Pennies: Kozzi | Information Technology & Social Media News | Scoop.it

Robin Good: I have had a bit of hard time myself believing the prices I was reading on the home page of Kozzi.com. This online image library, first of all gives you 365 high-quality, high-resolution images to download at no cost. Just hop over on their site and you can a top pick download without needing to pay anything. 


Then, if Kozzi has tickled your fancy enough, you may want to consider signing up for a Designer Plus account, and for 1.6$/month you can now download 25 high quality images a day. Five bucks a month give you access to 75-a-day downloads, and for some 11.4€/mo you can downoad up to 250 images a day. 


I know, it's hard to believe, but I have gone on the site, registered myself and everything worked as promised. I may say that the collection is not obviously as broad and rich as some of the popular commercial online stock libraries, but I think that the huge difference in price more than justifies it.


Kozzi provides some great, beautiful images, as well as vector clip art, and video clips. For each image it provides detailed metadata and separate downloads for all resolutions from 441 X 294  to a

whopping 7.7MP 5496 X 3664 size. 


Kozzi FAQ: http://www.kozzi.com/faq  ;


Must check-out resource.


More info: http://www.kozzi.com/ ;

Via Robin Good