A Curated Landing Page Design Showcase of Unbounce Customers Work | Information Technology & Social Media News | Scoop.it

Robin Good: Oli Gardner at unbounce.com has put together a really fantastic collection of great landing pages examples (all created with the Unbounce landing page creation service) that can provide not only great inspiration, but actual examples of the components and layout you need to use to make your pages look truly "professional".


In this curated collection, you will not only find large-sized screenshots of the selected landing pages but also some very valuable comments about each sample, alongside a curated list of what are the key components on each of the landing pages that makes them work so well and key suggestions on how to further improve them.


Very useful. 9/10


Full curated collection: http://unbounce.com/landing-page-examples/built-using-unbounce/landing-page-design-showcase/ 

Via Robin Good