JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
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JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
Keeping track of current JavaScript Frameworks that help design your clientside Business Logic Layers.
Curated by Jan Hesse
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Find your perfect React starter project

Find your perfect React starter project | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Find a React starter project / boilerplate that fits your needs perfectly. Use this tool to search and filter for the starter project that has everything you need and nothing you don't.

Jan Hesse's insight:

an incredible list of 79 open source projects with boilerplate code to quickly get started with React development

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The Isomorphic Express Boilerplate

The Isomorphic Express Boilerplate | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Isomorphic means that it's designed to run a lot of the same code on both the client and the server. Typically that includes a lot of rendering and domain logic. (Not to be confused with isomorphisms from category theory / functional programming. That's a totally different thing.)

There are many advantages to building apps this way, but the primary advantages are:

  • Cross-functional teams. Since everything is written in JavaScript, it's easier to build teams who know how to work on both the client and server sides of the app.
  • Write once, run everywhere. With the exception of a few library substitutions and browser polyfills, the code is shared, which means you have to write about half the code you'd write working on a non-isomorphic app.
  • More productive developers. Since the app is more consistent across the stack, there's no context switching when you need to maintain application behavior on both sides of the stack. Write the behavior once, and you're done. Context switching slows developers down significantly.
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A real-world website developer framework :: Responsive

A real-world website developer framework :: Responsive | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
A super lightweight HTML, SASS, CSS, and JavaScript framework for building responsive websites

Frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation are too design opinionated and heavy. They're great for prototyping but every time you start a real, front-facing, project with them you have to overwrite lots of designer styles that do nothing to add to the functionality of the website. That costs developers time and money.

Responsive has been built with that in mind. It is the result of thousands of hours of real, client driven web development and testing; specifically developed to be as lightweight as possible to prevent the need to undo styles set by the framework itself and allow developers to write efficient code and lower costs.

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ASP.NET Boilerplate

ASP.NET Boilerplate | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

ASP.NET Boilerplate is a starting point for new modern web applications using best practices and most popular tools. It's aimed to be a solid model, a general-purpose application framework and a project template.

 includes most used framework and libraries by default. Also allows you to choice Single-Page (Angularjs or Durandaljs) or Multi-Page architecture, EntityFramework or NHibernate as ORM.

implements NLayer architecture(Domain, Application, Infrastructure and Presentation Layers) and Domain Driven Design (Entities, Repositories, Domain/Application Services, DTO's...). Also implements and provides a good infrastructure to implement best practices such as Dependency Injection.

Jan Hesse's insight:

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Boilerplate for AngularJS + Sails.js

Boilerplate for AngularJS + Sails.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Modern web applications has separated front- and backend sides to use. This boilerplate present one way to make your application which have fully separated back- and frontend sides.

Main goals of this boilerplate
  • Separate back- and frontend development
  • Light frontend application
  • Authenticate with backend (possible multiple ways: local, github, twitter, etc.)
  • Power of AngularJS + WebSockets
  • Simple examples how to use these
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KWAND JavaScript Full Stack Web Development for the Next Generation

KWAND JavaScript Full Stack Web Development for the Next Generation | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
KWAND JavaScript Full Stack Web Development for the Next Generation of Web and Mobile Applications

Uses Koa · WebSockets · Angular · Node · Dokku like this:


  • AngularJS
  • AngularUI
  • Socket.IO


  • Co
  • Koa
  • Jade
  • WS


  • MongoDB


  • Gulp
  • Stylus
  • LiveReload
  • Nodemon


  • SuperAgent
  • Mocha
  • Travis


  • NPM


  • Dokku
  • Heroku
  • Forever

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MVC4-Boilerplate with Bootstrap for

MVC4-Boilerplate with Bootstrap for | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
MVC4-Boilerplate - A boiler plate for MVC4 web applications

* Modernizr
* HTML5 Boilerplate
* Bootstrap
* Font Awesome

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hackathon-starter: A boilerplate for Node.js web applications

hackathon-starter: A boilerplate for Node.js web applications | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

If you have attended any hackathons in the past then you know how much time it takes to get a project started. Decide on an idea, pick a programming language, pick a web framework, pick a CSS framework. A while later, you will have an initial project up on GitHub, and only then can other team members start contributing. Or what about doing something as simple as OAuth 2.0 Authentication? You can spend hours on it if you are not familiar with how OAuth 2.0 works. (As a side-note, over a year ago I had no idea WTF REST or OAuth were, or how to do a simple "Sign in with Facebook". It was a frustrating experience to say the least.)

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minimal-ember.js-sample | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

The purpose of this project is to help you learn the core function of ember.js.
You can learn following five functions:
* how to use basic templates.
* the basic way to use views.
* how to integrate properties in controllers and generate new properties.
* how to bind properties in controllers and transmit them to views.
* how to generate unique helpers for templates.

If you read the source code in this projcet, you will be able to make practical use of ember.js in easiest and fastest way.


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Parse x Angular JS Boilerplate by BRANDiD

Parse x Angular JS Boilerplate by BRANDiD | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

At BRANDiD, we’re totally in love with Parse, which is saving us months and months of backend programming the more we use it. We also really love AngularJS for all its insane two-way data binding, its declarative semantics, and commitment to modularity. All of this means you can build apps FAST. And that’s exactly what Parse wants to help you do too. In fact, we think AngularJS and Parse are a match made in heaven. To prove it, today, we’re releasing the Parse x AngularJS Boilerplate, so you don’t need dragon-ninja skills in asynchronous programming to build complex apps with Parse and AngularJS!

Features include:
* AngularJS wrapper for the Parse JS SDK
* AngularJS wrapper for Cloud Code
* AngularJS wrapper for the Facebook API
* Enhanced Parse.Object and Parse.Collection
* State Manager using ui-router
* Resolve Parse Data Before State Changes
* Easy Animations on State Change
* Enhanced loading of the Parse and Facebook SDKs
* Data Modules for Parse Models and Collections
* …and more

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Web Application Starter Kit for .NET developers

Web Application Starter Kit for .NET developers | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

This a solution (project) template of a typical single-page web application built on top of the following technologies:

* ASP.NET Web API, ASP.NET Web Pages (Razor)
* AngularJS client side framework by Google
* SQL Server database project with SSDT
* Entity Framework 5 with Database First
* Real-time web functionality with SignalR
* Enterprise Library 6.0
* Windows Azure SDK
* NuGet with Package Restore


You can use it to bootstrap your web and cloud app projects and dev environment. The main advantabe of building your app on top of it - is that you'll be able to pull and merge updates at any time in the future by using Git functionality.

The starter kit contains multi-project solution structure, a set of 3rd party libraries, tools and a bunch of scripts all preconfigured for instant web development gratification. Just clone the repo, open Source/Application.sln and you are ready to develop and test your application.

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Skeleton SASS and RequireJS app

Skeleton SASS and RequireJS app | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

CSS and JavaScript are 2 of the fundamental languages for web driven software. This article will take a look at creating a skeleton app using SASS and RequireJS. These tools can help manage large and complicated code bases while making developer life easier.
Working in web these days is very different from how it was 5 years ago. There are more demands on what the software can do and therefore more of the 3 elements, HTML, CSS, JavaScript. But in order to maintain a well developed, readable and easily maintainable piece of code you need to use the best tools. Server side code encourages modularity of components so we should take the same approach to client side. Enter RequireJS and SASS.

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Web App Code Lab - SPA with Ember.js, Lawnchair.js, HTML5 Boilerplate and Bootstrap

This codelab covers the techniques and design fundamentals required to create modern, 'lick-able' web applications. The exercises look at the fundamentals of building web applications:

* Using an MVC framework
* Making cross-domain requests and handling JSON data
* Creating user interfaces & experiences that are action oriented and app-like
* Enabling offline experiences

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HTML5 Ember.js Boilerplate

HTML5 Ember.js Boilerplate | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

HTML Ember.js Template is a professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites using Ember.js.

  • Designed for fast page loads. HTML Ember.js Template follows best practices for website optimization.
  • Built using HTML5 and the latest trending web technologies.
  • Built with easy customization in mind.
  • Simple editing. Simply delete what you don't want.
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Fundamentals of Mobile Web Development

Fundamentals of Mobile Web Development | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
A quick look at some of the efforts the Chrome team are doing to helps developers get started with Web Development and iterate on their sites.
Learn. Build. Iterate.

These are some of the efforts from the Chrome team to help developers get up to speed with web development.

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Angular Fullstack 2.0: MEAN Generator

Angular Fullstack 2.0: MEAN Generator | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
  • Use Googles AngularJS project structure recommendations for client side.
  • Use a modular structure for the express server
  • Major improvements to auth, including modularization, support for role based auth, using JWT instead of cookies, and optional social auths for facebook/twitter/google
  • Added endpoint generator: generates model / route / controller / test / socket
  • Cleaner separation between client and server. The server views folder no longer contain angular templates
  • Automatic injection of new scripts/stylesheets into the app with grunt
  • Support for UI Router,, and Less
  • Use ng-templates to concatenate all the html/jade views into the javascript payload
  • Rewrote generator to be more modular and testable
  • New look to starter app with basic crud interface.
  • Built in support for protractor e2e tests
Jan Hesse's insight:

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Google Launches Starter Kit For A More Consistent Web

Google Launches Starter Kit For A More Consistent Web | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Google’s Web Starter Kit provides much of that boilerplate as downloadable content, so developers can speed up their projects and get site building. In its introduction to the kit, Google divides the workflow in to three functions: developers can pick a template, build the site and test it out.

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react-gulp-example | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

a simple react web app using gulp along side karma/mocha/chai

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ng-devstack - Everything a front-end developer needs to simplify building AngularJS applications.

ng-devstack - Everything a front-end developer needs to simplify building AngularJS applications. | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

This project has been inspired by another great concept ngBoilerplate, allowing to create modern web applications in AngularJS. It follows all the best practices introduced in ngBoilerplate such as component/feature-oriented directory structure, intelligent build system, etc. However, I decided to improve it a little bit and create my own boilerplate from scratch since I missed some basic features like:

  • watch for any file changes and apply them to the project in real-time,
  • image optimization,
  • remove redundant code on compiling output HTML,
  • plus ngBoilerplate hasn't been updated for months.

Now this all has been made possible. Please welcome ng-devstack!

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INIT • An initial boilerplate for front-end projects

INIT • An initial boilerplate for front-end projects | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Init is an initial boilerplate for front-end projects which adds more complexity to your application.

INIT is based upon HTML5 Boilerplate and adds more structure for SCSS and JavaScript files, includes build tasks and a whole lot more.

Integrated tools:
* HTML5 Boilerplate
* normalize.css
* Modernizr (custom build based on what you use) & jQuery libraries
* GruntJS (integrated watch, development & build tasks)
* Bower for package management in th Front-End
* RequireJS for a module-based development approach
* Sass workflow including some helpful mixins
* A testing workflow with Jasmine and Karma

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Single Page Application Boilerplate with AngularJS and Phalcon Micro Framework

Single Page Application Boilerplate with AngularJS and Phalcon Micro Framework | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
The web is evolving so quickly.
While web browsers and computers are getting more powerful, architectures which give load to clients are getting popular.

Single Page Application (SPA) idea is one of them. In this post, I’ll setup a simple boilerplate for my future SPA tutorials. I’am going to keep posting about SPAs based on this boilerplate.

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fafafa - Flask / Angular / Foundation Boilerplate

fafafa - Flask / Angular / Foundation Boilerplate | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

FaFaFa is meant to get you up and going as soon as possible with user authentication, Facebook integration, database migrations, and deployment.

FaFaFa is a boilerplate application combining the following:
* Flask - Python microframework
* AngularJS - Javascript framework
* Foundation - Responsive front-end framework
* Alembic - Database migrations tool
* Facebook login integration
* Ansible - Provisioning and deployment automation

It also includes a few extras:
* CSRF protection (slightly modified from here)
* Loading bar at the bottom of the header, integrated with all AngularJS POST requests (heavily inspired by ngProgress)
* Profile page for linking / unlinking Facebook, and chaging usernames, passwords, and emails

Benjamin Dean's curator insight, November 30, 2013 10:18 AM
I'm not a huge Python developer, but I bet this has some value to it for those who are.!

AngularJS + ASP.NET Web Api + TypeScript - Single Page Application (SPA) Starter Kit for Visual Studio

AngularJS + ASP.NET Web Api + TypeScript - Single Page Application (SPA) Starter Kit for Visual Studio | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

This project is an application skeleton for a simple AngularJS app. You can use it to bootstrap you AngularJS web application projects in Visual Studio environment.

This seed contains AngularJS libraries, test libraries and a bunch of scripts all preconfigured for instant web development gratification. Just clone the repo (or download the zip/tarball), open it in Visual Studio 2012 and you are ready to develop and test your web application.

This seed doesn't do much, just shows how to write two controllers and views together. You can check it out by running App project in Visual Studio.


* AngularJS MV* family JavaScript Framework
* ASP.NET Web Api library for building RESTful services
* ASP.NET Web Pages adds Razor syntax to your HTML views
* ASP.NET Web Optimization Framework bundles and minifies JavaScript/CSS files
* TypeScript adds static typing to JavaScript and better IDE goodies
* LESS CSS extends CSS with dynamic behavior

Peter Verster's curator insight, September 29, 2013 4:12 AM

I personally use backbone.js and WebApi running in worker roles. Good to see the embrace

sreekanth's curator insight, August 10, 2015 2:16 PM

ASP.NET App Suspend is built on top of another new feature in Windows Server 2012 R2, called IIS Idle Worker Process Page-out, which is a new addition to Internet Information Services.!

AngularJS x Backbone.js x Parse Boilerplate

AngularJS x Backbone.js x Parse Boilerplate | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
parse-angular-demo - An opinionated, battle-tested boilerplate for building large, powerful, serverless apps with AngularJS, Backbone and Parse

The awesome thing about the Parse Javascript SDK is that it's a fork of Backbone, so we can make use of the kickass Model and Collection architecture, but still use AngularJS for all UI events and views (this is where Backbone loses out to other frameworks).

Jan Hesse's insight:

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MEAN (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node) stack Boilerplate

MEAN (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node) stack Boilerplate | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

MEAN is a Simple, Scalable and Easy approach to javascript based web development

MEAN is a boilerplate that provides a nice starting point for MongoDB, Node.js, Express, and AngularJS based applications.
It is designed to give you quick and organized way to start developing of MEAN based web apps with useful modules like mongoose and passport pre-bundled and configured.
We mainly try to take care of the connection points between existing popular frameworks and solve common integration problems.

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