JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
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JavaScript for Line of Business Applications
Keeping track of current JavaScript Frameworks that help design your clientside Business Logic Layers.
Curated by Jan Hesse
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Writing a JavaScript Framework - Project Structuring

This post is a tutorial for writing a next-gen JavaScript Framework & solving problems regarding extendibility, dependency injection and private variables.


In this chapter, I am going to explain how NX is structured, and how I solved its use case specific difficulties regarding extendibility, dependency injection and private variables.

The series includes the following chapters.

  1. Project structuring (current chapter)
  2. Execution timing
  3. Sandboxed code evaluation
  4. Data binding (part 1)
  5. Data binding (part 2)
  6. Custom elements
  7. Client side routing
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Comprehensive Beginner's Guide To ReactJS

Comprehensive Beginner's Guide To ReactJS | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

React in a way, resembles Angular directives but that’s all there is: these directives. In React, they’re called “Components”. When creating a component, certian methods are run (if available). The main one is render which uses data that React exposes (like state, props, etc. more on that later) and uses it to build a fake DOM using “JSX”.

The beauty of ReactJS is its one-way flow which is easier to follow and understand. There is no $digest nor any way to setup $watch. But let’s look at all the cool things about React first:...

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React.js - A guide for Rails developers

React.js - A guide for Rails developers | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Integrate React.js with Ruby on Rails to build web apps

Summarizing, the application will behave as follows:

  • When the user creates a new record through the horizontal form, it will be appended to the records table
  • The user will be able to inline-edit any existing record
  • Clicking on any Delete button will remove the associated record from the table
  • Adding, editing or removing an existing record will update the amount boxes at the top of the page
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Creating an Isomorphic Web Application with ReactJS and Express

In our fast-changing world, technology is rapidly taking giant leaps forward. For the people who are just beginning to take part in this new “gold rush” of web development, it is sometimes inevitable to feel a sense of desperation of not being able to keep up with the evolution. In this article, I will attempt to give a brief overview of one of the most-adored features of Facebook’s Reactframework—isomorphism(a.k.a. server side rendering).

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Backbone.js Tutorial

Backbone.js Tutorial | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Learn Backbone.js and start building sophisticated and structured web apps. Try out Backbone’s JavaScript library with a RESTful JSON interface.
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How To Initialize a jQuery Component With Ember.js

How To Initialize a jQuery Component With Ember.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

jQuery is a fast, small and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much easier with an easy API. Let's see how well it works with Ember.js

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A concise and accurate JavaScript tutorial

A concise and accurate JavaScript tutorial | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
A concise and accurate JavaScript tutorial/notes written for those entering the JavaScript world for the first time but already have experience with other languages
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How to communicate between React components

How to communicate between React components | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

How to communicate between React components ? That’s a good question, and there are multiple answers. That depends of the relationship between the components, and then, that depends on what you prefer.

I am not talking about data-stores, data-adapters or this kind of data-helpers that gets data from somewhere that you need to dispatch to your components, I’m really just talking about communication between React components only.

There are 3 possible relationships:

owner to ownee (parent to child)
ownee to owner (child to parent)
they are not related

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Flux in Depth. Overview and Components.

Flux in Depth. Overview and Components. | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
This is the first blog post of the series “Flux in Depth”. Is this “yet the another flux tutorial”? What I have seen so far, while researching flux, were mostly “how-to” tutorials (usually with todo applications), which describe the main components of given flux application and the data flow between them. This is definitely useful for getting a high-level overview of how everything works but in reality there are plenty of other things, which should be taken under consideration. In this series of posts I will try to wire theory with practice and state my own solutions of problem I face on daily basis. Since these solutions might not be perfect, I’d really appreciate giving your opinion in the comments section below.
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Best Practices for Component State in React.js

Best Practices for Component State in React.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

When writing React applications, it’s important to know when and when not to use state in components. In this post, I will review what I consider to be best practices for working with state. TL;DR:

  1. If a component does not own a datum, then that datum should not influence it’s state.
  2. Store the simplest possible values to describe a component’s state.
  3. Leave calculations and conditionals to the render function.

These rules obviously have exceptions and should be violated when appropriate; though if you’re able to follow them most of the time, you will find that your components will be easier to break down, the tests will be easier to write, and the entire application will have fewer bugs. Let’s take a closer look at each of these rules.

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Immutability in React

Immutability in React | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In this article Christian Johansen gives you an example of how immutability can be used with React, the well-known library developed by Facebook.

In my previous article I mentioned that tracking changes can be drastically improved because we can short-circuit the expensive diffing algorithm in libraries like React. When you give React some new data, it calls theshouldComponentUpdate() function on all the components. If this function returns false, React won’t diff this component with the existing version, so the library won’t re-render the elements that make the component. This potentially saves a lot of work, and can lead to a massive improvement in performance.

Let’s consider our game. When you reveal a tile, the whole game is rendered over again. However, thanks to our immutable data model, all the tiles that didn’t change will still be the same exact references. These don’t need to be re-rendered, because with immutable data, same reference means no change. To let React know about this detail, we can improve our component wrapper as follows:

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AngularJS Tutorial

AngularJS Tutorial | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
AngularJS Tutorial for beginners - Learn AngularJS in simple and easy steps starting from Overview, Environment Setup, MVC Architecture, First Application, Directives, Expressions, Conrollers, Filters, Tables, HTML DOM, Modules, Forms, includes, Ajax, Views, Scope, Services, Dependency Injection, Custom Directives, Internalization
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Learn Meteor.js From Scratch: Build a Polling App

Learn Meteor.js From Scratch: Build a Polling App | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
What is Meteor? Meteor.js is an open-source platform built on Node and MongoDB. It’s not just a framework, it’s more than that. Is it comparable to Angular? Angular handles just the frontend parts of application. Meteor is more of a platform than Angular. It is both server and client-side code and handles a lot of […]
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React Tutorial using MERN stack

React Tutorial using MERN stack | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

This is a step-by-step tutorial that will help you get up to speed with React quickly, and also build a complete app with the MERN (Mongo-Express-React-Node) stack. You'll also learn other tools that you typically use to build an app: Gulp, Browserify, Material-UI and React-Bootstrap.!

Ionic Framework Tutorial

Ionic Framework Tutorial | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
What You Will Learn:
  • How to create and build (compile and package) an Ionic project using the CLI (Command Line Interface).

  • How to start from one of the Ionic starter apps

  • How to build a modern mobile UI using Ionic components such as side menu, cards, action sheets, etc.

  • How to create a service using the Angular resource module (ngResource) to access REST services

  • How to use controllers

  • How to use routing

  • How to login with Facebook, and publish information to your feed

Jan Hesse's insight:

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AngularJS For Everyone - YouTube Playlist

#0 Series Introduction - AngularJS For Everyone
#1 Two-way Data Binding - AngularJS For Everyone
#2 Repeating Over Data With ng-repeat - AngularJS For Everyone
#3 Basic Filtering In Angular - AngularJS For Everyone
#4 Our First Controller - Angular For Everyone
#5 Adding A Form Event - Angular For Everyone
#6 Controller As Syntax - AngularJS For Everyone
#7 Using Filters In Angular Templates - AngularJS For Everyone
#8 Conditional Classes With ngClass - AngularJS For Everyone
#9 ngIf vs ngShow & ngHide - AngularJS For Everyone
#10 Properly Including Images With ngSrc - AngularJS For Everyone
#11 Including Templates and Inline SVG with ngInclude - AngularJS For Everyone
#12 Adding External Modules - AngularJS For Everyone
#13 Animating With Angular Part 1 - AngularJS For Everyone

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Learn React with chantastic

Learn React with chantastic | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
3ish minute videos on React
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Ember-CLI no Back End

Ember-CLI no Back End | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

About two months ago, I wrote about how to use EmberJS without a back-end. Today, I'd like to share how I implemented the same principle for the Ember-CLI.


In short: the principle is the same as before, but this time instead of using Grunt I'll use Broccoli. Each blog post is written as .md mixed YAML/markdown and converted to a JSONfile using Broccoli. In Ember, I use a simple jQuery getJSON() to load the data and hand it back the jQuery promise as a "model".

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Building a Twitter App Using AngularJS

Building a Twitter App Using AngularJS | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Preetish Panda teaches you how to create a basic Twitter app using AngularJS, The app includes a search feature to search a term in the user's timeline.

The application will let us log in via Twitter and fetch tweets from the user timeline. Besides, the application will feature a search box to let the user searching among the tweets shown. In this tutorial, you will learn about the usage of OAuth for the Twitter authentication, various functions to retrieve tweets, load more tweets through the use of a “Load more” button, and search tweets with the help of AngularJS two-way data binding.

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Polymer for reusable web components

Polymer for reusable web components | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Getting started with Polymer, a library to create web components, reusable packages of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

As you can see web components still has a long way to go before it’ll be supported natively by browsers and reach maturity, but luckily nothing is stopping us from already taking a look at it today. And if nothing of that rang any bells, don’t worry, it’ll become clear once we look at some examples!

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The Flux Quick Start Guide

The Flux Quick Start Guide | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

This article will give you an overview of how to build JavaScript applications with the Flux pattern. It's the minimal amount of material to get you familiar with the core Flux concepts. You should follow along with the accompanying starter kit. You'll need a basic understanding of React and preferably some experience building components. 

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A primer for building Single-Page Applications with React

A primer for building Single-Page Applications with React | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Part 0: Preface
Part 1: Intro to React
Part 2: Harmony aka ES6 aka ES2015
Part 3: Useful Libraries
Part 4: Webpack
Part 5: React Router
Part 6: Flux
Part 7: Testing
Part 8: Rails (Bonus Chapter)

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React.js View State Management Tutorial

React.js View State Management Tutorial | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
One of the biggest and most common problems in front-end web development is state management. A developer is constantly focused on keeping the state object in sync with its view and the DOM representation. Users can interact with the application in many ways and it's a big task to provide a clean transition from one view state to another.

We will see how using React JavaScript library can help us reduce application complexity and off-load UI transitions from our application.
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Learn How to Code in HTML5 and CSS3

Learn How to Code in HTML5 and CSS3 | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
An open e-book about HTML5 and CSS3 for absolute beginners
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Learn to Build Modern Web Apps with MEAN

Learn to Build Modern Web Apps with MEAN | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

The goal of this tutorial is to guide you through the creation of a Reddit/Hacker News clone using the MEAN stack. By completing this tutorial, you will gain a basic understanding of the MEAN stack including building a REST interface with Express.js on top of Node.js and using that interface to perform CRUD operations on a database via an AngularJS frontend.

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