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Curated by Jan Hesse
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Getting Started with Node, Express and Postgres Using Sequelize

Getting Started with Node, Express and Postgres Using Sequelize | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

We're going to be using PostgreSQL and Sequelize as the ORM of choice to write a minimalistic Todo list application.

By the end of this tutorial, we will have created an API for a todo list application that will enable us to create multiple todos, add list items to those todos, update the list items and delete them. By working through an application in which we implement functionality to add things, update and delete them from a database, this tutorial will serve as an introduction to writing more advanced CRUD applications.

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Bringing The Power of Postgres to NodeJS

Bringing The Power of Postgres to NodeJS | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
MassiveJS is a dedicated data access tool for Postgres and NodeJS

Massive's goal is to help you get data from your database. This is not an ORM, it's a bit more than a query tool - our goal is to do just enough, then get out of your way. I'm a huge fan of Postgres and the inspired, creative way you can use it's modern SQL functionality to work with your data.

ORMs abstract this away, and it's silly. Postgres is an amazing database with a rich ability to act as a document storage engine (using jsonb) as well as a cracking relational engine.

Massive embraces SQL completely, and helps you out when you don't feel like writing another mundane select * from statement.

Matloob Hasan's curator insight, March 21, 2015 1:06 AM

I have used Postgres on Node.js with Sequelize. I liked Postgres when I first read about it, loved it with Sequelize. But MassiveJs takes it to a whole new level!!

Publish/subscribe with Postgres and Node.js

Publish/subscribe with Postgres and Node.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

To solve realtime one needs to add a push to the pull. A message queue system like RabbitMQ excels at that, but adding an extra dependency to an application adds complexity and might scare you of. The alternative many would point to is Redis, but you may not be aware that your current database might have a publish/subscribe system built in to it.

If you use Postgres it does.

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Building an EventStore with User Defined Projections on top of Postgresql and Node.js

Building an EventStore with User Defined Projections on top of Postgresql and Node.js | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

For most of the 2000’s my goto strategy for application persistence was to use some sort of object relational mapping to persist and read the object structures that I wanted to work with in my code. Sometimes I used hand rolled code to do the mapping, and other times my teams used NHibernate. In the past couple years I’ve been on projects that used the RavenDb document database with mixed success. I’ve also worked on a couple codebases that used an event sourcing strategy to persist meaningful business events, sometimes with RavenDb as the underlying storage engine and another project that uses an older version of NEventStore with Sql Server as the storage mechanism.

For various reasons, we’ve chosen to use a Node.js based stack to rewrite an old WPF application that is a suitable candidate for event sourcing on the backend.

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Bookshelf - An ORM for JavaScript

“We want to be able to ask questions to our data, without predefining the way we structure our data” - an argument for “No”-SQL, put forward in this very nice talk on ElasticSearch by Shay Banon.

Still, today we often use SQL, and it is required that you predefine your schema or structure your data beforehand. This means to query data, you must add and remove attributes from a schema, define how data is connected (or how data can be joined) to run actual queries.

And if you want to do this with Node.js, you often were left alone with your RDBMS backend. Not anymore, since thanks to Tim Griesser, there are a number of fresh ideas for working with data in Node.js. Let’s have a look at Knex and Bookshelf.

Knex is a promissing wrapper for SQL in JavaScript. With Knex, we quickly can connect to a MySQL, Postgres or SQLite database.

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Javascript Functions for PostgreSQL

Javascript in Postgres has gotten a good bit of love lately, part of that is from Heroku Postgres recently adding support for Javascript. In a recent conversation it was pointed out that it seems a bit of headache to have to create your own functions, or at least having an initial collection would make it that much more powerful. While many can look forward to PostgreSQL 9.3 which will have a bit more built in support for JSON a few functions can really help make it more useful today.

These are courtesy of Will Leinweber. For each of the following functions I’ll highlight an example of using it as well. To get an idea of the data its being run on:

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Meteor-PostgreSQL | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Although our project was ambitious, we wanted to use whatever meteor packages that were available to us in order to best integrate with the Meteor environment, and to save time by not having to reinvent the wheel. At the onset we considered several approaches which were ultimately not chosen for certain reasons. These include:

  • Using minimongo as client side db - ultimately this would be trying to fit a square peg in a round hole by making relational data non-relational.
  • Implementing oplog capabilities for PostgreSQL - Ultimately this would have been an entirely different project with an entirely different scope.
  • Reducing the scope - Other implementations of SQL in Meteor had focused on achieving one way reactivity (server to client), and so we felt it would simplify our task if we chose to abandon goals of database everywhere or latency compensation. Ultimately this was not a concession we were willing to make.

Throughout the start of the project our approach was refined, and ultimately we landed on the following:

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Goodbye MongoDB, Hello PostgreSQL

Goodbye MongoDB, Hello PostgreSQL | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Migrating from MongoDB to PostgreSQL

While we can be extremely proud of what we have achieved so far there was always something lurking in the dark: our primary database. From the start of Olery we’ve had a database setup that involved MySQL for crucial data (users, contracts, etc) and MongoDB for storing reviews and similar data (essentially the data we can easily retrieve in case of data loss). While this setup served us well initially we began experiencing various problems as we grew, in particular with MongoDB. Some of these problems were due to the way applications interacted with the database, some were due to the database itself.

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The growing irrelevance of MongoDB

The growing irrelevance of MongoDB | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

aybe a better name for this phase should be maturity. At this moment I knew where and, even more important, where NOT use MongoDB. At this age you know that MongoDB is a nice product, but a product that you should use with caution. You know that the document model is great and solves a lot of problems for you, but not all: actually, quite a few.

The wakeup call for me was my own failures with it and, most of all, the failure of others. Mostly from people that I saw getting really excited about MEAN and trying to transform the world into a nail so that MongoDB could be the perfect hammer for it. It’s the moment where some facts get into your face and shout at you:...

Karim Cadi's curator insight, January 21, 2015 3:43 AM

MongoDb from the trenches: does not solve everything and probably won't replace the "old" relational database system.!

Ember.js + Sails.js + PostgreSQL - An end-to-end technology-chain that enables rapid web application development in a RESTful fashion

Intention behind chaining technologies like Ember.js + Sails.js +PostgreSQL is to foster the below best practices in our end-to-end web application development (i.e. both client-side & server-side development).

Best Practices
Ember.js goodies [Client-side]
  • Single-Page Application (SPA) on the client-side for improved user-experience
  • MVC pattern that structure’s + manage’s interaction between the client-side software artifacts
  • Convention-Over-Configuration to achieve productivity & understandability during development/maintenance phases
Sails.js goodies [Server-side]
  • RESTful architectural style for piping CRUD operation between client-side calls & server-side persisted datasets
  • Convention-Over-Configuration to achieve productivity & understandability during development/maintenance phases
PostgreSQL goodies [Server-side]
  • ORDBMS, so as to harness its technological maturity & operational performance

By focusing on the above goodies, our goal in this blog-post is to primarily showcase technical details on how to chain such technologies together and at the same time introduce you to the rapid web application development that are highly maintainable.

Jan Hesse's insight:


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BackboneORM - A polystore ORM for Node.js and the browser

BackboneORM - A polystore ORM for Node.js and the browser | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

BackboneORM was designed to provide a consistent, polystore ORM across Node.js and the browser.
It was inspired by other great software and provides:
* Node.js-style callbacks and streams for a familiar asynchronous programming style
* MongoDB-like query language to easily slice-and-dice your data
* a REST controller enabling browser search bar queries and an optional paging format like CouchDB


Other great things:
* it provides a JSON-rendering DSL
* it solves the dreaded Node.js circular dependencies problem for related models
* it is compatible with Knockback.js
* it parses ISO8601 dates automatically
* BackboneMongo provides a CouchDB-like '_rev' versioning solution
* BackboneREST provides authorization middleware hooks and emits REST events

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JavaScript in your Postgres

The same JavaScript engine that powers the web today is now available in your database.

This is one more step in evolving a data platform to meet all of your data needs. With a key/value store inside Postgres you gained agility in working with your schema. This agility was further improved with the JSON data type in Postgres 9.2. With geospatial support you removed the need for relying on additional tools for building location based apps. And today we’re continuing to expand, going beyond SQL bringing the full power of the V8 JavaScript engine to your Heroku Postgres database. 

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