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Curated by Jan Hesse
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The Login Page: Angular JS and Spring Security Part II

The Login Page: Angular JS and Spring Security Part II | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
In this article we continue our discussion of how to use Spring Security with Angular JS in a “single page application”. Here we show how to use Angular JS to authenticate a user via a form and fetch a secure resource to render in the UI. This is the second in a series of articles, and you can catch up on the basic building blocks of the application or build it from scratch by reading the first article, or you can just go straight to the source code in Github. In the first article we built a simple application that used HTTP Basic authentication to protect the backend resources. In this one we add a login form, give the user some control over whether to authenticate or not, and fix the issues with the first iteration (principally lack of CSRF protection).
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PHANG web application boilerplate

PHANG web application boilerplate | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
PHP and AngularJS Apps Made Easy: Everything you need to kickstart AngularJS projects: a best-practice directory structure, an intelligent build system, and the best web design libraries around.

PHANG uses Silex, a PHP microframework for PHP 5.3. It is built on the shoulders of Symfony2 and Pimple and also inspired by sinatra.

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Create a Laravel and Angular Single Page Comment Application

Create a Laravel and Angular Single Page Comment Application | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Laravel and Angular have both become very well renowned tools in the web development world lately. Laravel for the great things it brings to the PHP community and Angular for the amazing frontend tools and its simplicity. Combining these two great frameworks only seems like the logical next step.
For our use cases, we will be using Laravel as the RESTful API backend and Angular as the frontend to create a very simple single page comment application.
This will be a simple example to show off how to get started using these two technologies so don’t hope for any extra database stuff on how to handle sub-comments or anything like that.

This will be a simple single page comment application:
* RESTful Laravel API to handle getting, creating, and deleting comments
* Angular frontend to handle showing our creation form and the comments
* Ability to create a comment and see it added to our list w/o page refresh
* Ability to delete a comment and see it removed from our list w/o page refresh

Overall, these are very simple concepts. Our focus will be to see the intricacies of how Laravel and Angular can work together.

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Ember.js say hello to Apigility

Ember.js say hello to Apigility | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Developing web applications today is quite easy, you will find always a framework/library that does most of the work for you. 

Some month ago, I heard about Apigility and lately I have been playing a little with it. So what’s Apigility?: Apigility is an API Builder, designed to simplify creating and maintaining useful, easy to consume, and well structured APIs. 

For this tutorial I’m going to show you how to create a Todo-Api, using Apigility on the backend and Ember.js on the front end. 

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Server-side React with PHP

Server-side React with PHP | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

So you know about React and how to build your own components. And you know you can run JavaScript inside PHP scripts, thanks to v8js. So nothing can stop you from rendering React components on the server side in PHP. Which means you send the first view from the server and then continue from there.

Part 1 ended with todos. The first one was to couple the server-side generated code with the client-side React, so that any updates past the initial page load will be handled by React's client JS, which is where React shines. Let's see how you can do just that.

Jan Hesse's insight:

Part 2:

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Complete Web Application: Angular Twitter Bootstrap Spring MVC, Data and Security

Complete Web Application: Angular Twitter Bootstrap Spring MVC, Data and Security | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Today we will see how to create a complete Java web application using Spring, Angular, JQuery, Twitter Bootstrap, Tiles, Maven, Tomcat, JPA/Hibernate.

The project that will be done here in this post will be used in another post that I will write, because of this future post, in this post will be described a detailed environment configuration. I will be using linux as my operational system (OS), but almost nothing will change if you use Windows or other OS.

In this post we will see a project using Spring framework with the following modules: Spring MVC, SpringData e Spring Security. We will see how to do internationalization (i18n) with SpringMVC and templates with Tiles framework.

Postgre will be the database used here, but if you want use it with MySQL just add the MySQL jar to the project and change some configuration. In this post will be displayed both Postgre and MySQL configurations.

What we will see in here:

Page 02: Environment Setup
Page 03: Creating the project
Page 04: Understanding the “pom.xml”, “log4j.xml” and the “context.xml” files
Page 05: Creating the Spring and the project XMLs
Page 06: Tiles – Page templates
Page 07: Project Model Classes
Page 08: Using SpringData as Repository (DAO); creating User Service
Page 09: Using SpringData as Repository (DAO); creating Contact Service
Page 10: Creating the Controllers
Page 11: Using Restful approach with SpringMVC
Page 12: Understanding the Login, SpringMVC Interceptor and the Security Rules
Page 13: First Contact with Angular.js and the SpringMVC
Page 14: Using Angular.js bind in a HTML table
Page 15: Internationalization (i18n) with Spring
Page 16: Understanding the Twitter Bootstrap role
Page 17: Running the project

Leonardo Cortes Ponce's curator insight, August 5, 2014 11:32 AM

Excelente mini curso de Java Spring MVC con BootStrap 

Siófok Buli's curator insight, November 28, 2017 12:02 PM

Node.js vs. PHP

Node.js vs. PHP | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

PHP is not going to disappear soon, but its position is being undermined even further by the nascent Node.js. When the Internet exploded in the 2000′s, PHP was the thing ”all the cool kids” did.

Over the years, PHP and its apps became vulnerable to security threats (e.g., SQL injections), lacked a centralized packaging registry (was Composer inspired by Node Package Manager?), had an inconsistent API and suffered from subpar performance. It’s easy to argue that there are better alternatives to PHP, for example Ruby on Rails and Django, however nothing is as approachable as Node.js.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Node.js, or who have heard of it but can’t quite grasp the concept, I like to say that it is functionally similar to the PHP + Apache or ASP + IIS stacks. Nowadays, it is also gaining momentum.

Many people, whether software engineers or entrepreneurs, are often faced with the decision: “What tech stack should I use?” In this article, I’ll try to compare PHP and Node.js using an apples-to-apples approach, looking at the question from different angles including:

* Syntax

* Context switch

* Modules
* Ecosystem
* Frameworks
* Real-time apps
* Database apps
* Third-party services apps
* Web servers
* Hosting
* Performance

Entropic-Synergies's curator insight, September 19, 2013 4:06 AM

Seems an objective comparison

Agtunn Naymin's curator insight, October 8, 2013 3:45 AM

should try is multithread PHP Server!

Bancha - Rapid Development for ExtJS and Sencha Touch with CakePHP

Bancha - Rapid Development for ExtJS and Sencha Touch with CakePHP | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
Bancha seamless integrates CakePHP 2 with ExtJS 4 and Sencha Touch 2.

Bancha lets you use CakePHP models in your Ext JS/Sencha Touch application. These models get all fields, validations, associations and fully configured proxies from the server. Out of the box they also support remote sorting, filtering and paging.

Simply require your CakePHP model (e.g. 'Bancha.model.User') and you get a fully configured model from server-side data.

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Building a RESTful Application With PHP & MongoDB - Part 1

Building a RESTful Application With PHP & MongoDB - Part 1 | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

So, What are the things we gonna see...

  • Updated structuring for AngularJS
  • Making an RESTFUL API Call
  • Use of AngularJs Resource
The example tutorial is simple 'yet another blog' stuff, now we are only going to see how to make the API call only and nothing else. (need to go slowly)

Sometime ago, we have learned how to automate stuffs with the help of Yeoman and GruntJs. But, in growing application, we need to properly place certain files in certain places so we can jump to files easily(With the help of Sublime Of course!). 

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Laravel 4 with AngularJS Architecture Solution

Laravel 4 with AngularJS Architecture Solution | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

This is the overview of solution to developing a web application using AngularJS and Laravel. My aim is to keep the front-end and back-end as separate as possible. I have envisaged a setup which has a somewhat decoupled architecture where the static front-end AngularJS application is completely separate from the resourceful API back-end Laravel application. It’s worth noting I’m using LinemanJS for my front-end development Workflow but this concept could be applied with your own workflow.

This post also addresses problems when trying to inject the CSRF Token without using a HTTP request and SPA HTML5 push state. So hopefully this saves you some head banging.

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The Wild West of Working On NodeJS In Production (and why it's fun).

The Wild West of Working On NodeJS In Production (and why it's fun). | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

NodeJS is a lightweight technology that no one has yet conquered and shackled in the prison of “Best Practices”. When coding a new app, there’s no list of frameworks to use, no service containers to worry about, no definitions, no injections or ejections or what have you. When you start a new app, there’s app.js and there’s your code.

It’s interesting that Node has become such a fun tool to work with and everyone that I’ve met or whose articles I’ve read, has had a wide smile on their face, eager to tell me how amazing it was working on their last project. My reasoning behind it is this Wild West of NodeJS.

A few weeks ago, after working on my personal Laravel project, I switched to work on a Node project and it’s just refreshing.

The refreshment comes from the fact that not only were not most problems already solved for the platform (meaning that there is space for your own NPM packages and your own improvements) but there was a freedom from conventions and structures.

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Create a "load more" widget using AngularJS, Ajax and Bootstrap 3

Create a "load more" widget using AngularJS, Ajax and Bootstrap 3 | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Step 1: Getting the data ready
Step 2: Creating a basic scaffolding
Step 3: Creating a Factory
Step 4: Interacting with the DOM (Document Object Model)

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My path to the real-time Web

My path to the real-time Web | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

Among other things in this blog post I’ll describe an example of how the usage of real-time can save you 99% of backend requests, while making your code simpler and your user interface snappier along the way.

Then, about a year ago, I stumbled across an old friend of mine who happens to be the author ofAutobahn, an open-source real-time framework for Web, Mobile & Internet of Things.

It took some time until I was convinced of the simplicity of his technology, but eventually I found that I did not need to understand the inner complications of sending messages over WebSocket from A to B in order to use Autobahn.

Once I had WebSocket working in my app, I was just a tiny step away from getting server pushed messages into the client browser. I very much liked this idea to get rid of those refresh buttons everywhere in the frontend. That was a low hanging fruit then and I quickly got some really nice changes in interface design (like live chat, object locking in the frontend and real-time refresh).

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Single Page Application Boilerplate with AngularJS and Phalcon Micro Framework

Single Page Application Boilerplate with AngularJS and Phalcon Micro Framework | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |
The web is evolving so quickly.
While web browsers and computers are getting more powerful, architectures which give load to clients are getting popular.

Single Page Application (SPA) idea is one of them. In this post, I’ll setup a simple boilerplate for my future SPA tutorials. I’am going to keep posting about SPAs based on this boilerplate.

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API-based Web Application with Backbone, Require.js and Slim framework

API-based Web Application with Backbone, Require.js and Slim framework | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

A single-page application (SPA) was something I’ve been exploring for the last few months. I always liked the idea of moving certain responsibilities to the client’s side. After all, why would you like to waste server’s RAM/CPU to buil a HTML page (and pay for a transfer to deliver it) when a web browser is perfectly capable of doing that on its own? You will not only save money but also provide a better user experience. In addition to the performance, moving the presentation layer to the web browser gives a clearer division between back-end and front-end code.

 I used an extremely useful boilerplate for Backbone.js created by Thomas Davis as a foundation to create an example App which talks to a PHP back-end.

The back-end could be a plain PHP but instead I went for the Slim micro framework. It’s fast, very easy to learn and will enforce a better code structure. After all, this is one of the best use cases for a micro framework.

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Ember.js for a CakePHP Developer

Ember.js is a front end JavaScript MVC framework, but probably won't map to the exact same MVC patterns as CakePHP does on the server side. I cover the major features of Ember.js and attempt to make the connection to CakePHP classes where it applies.

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Building a RESTful Application With PHP & MongoDB - Part 2

Building a RESTful Application With PHP & MongoDB - Part 2 | JavaScript for Line of Business Applications |

In this tut, we are gonna see how the API stuffs does it work and return backs the response to our blog tut.

So, What are the things we gonna see...

  • What the heck is REST & Why we need to use?
  • Building our Application as RESTFul Service using PHP Slim Framework and storing in MongoDB.
  • Sending back the Response to our AngularJS

Now, you have the idea what is REST thing, the ingredients to make our application are,
  1. PHP Framework, Slim Framework will do (since your app is not that big)
  2. To store our data, we choose Mongo (Read here for more intel)
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