iPhone3GS 6.15 Baseband Downgrade Releasing Today - Redsn0w Tool ~ Geeky Apple - The new iPad 3, iPhone iOS6 Jailbreaking and Unlocking Guides | Jailbreak News, Guides, Tutorials | Scoop.it
iPhone 3GS 6.15 baseband downgrade 5.14.04 tutorial How to downgrade iPhone3GS iPad baseband using redsn0w Redsn0w iPhone3GS 6.15 baseband downgrade release downgrading base band 6.15 musclenerd...


Earlier we discussed that iPhone Dev-Team senior member, Musclenerd confirmed over twitter that he was successful in downgrading iPhone3GS6.15.00 baseband to 5.13.04 and that he'll be updating redsn0w to allow iPhone3G and iPhone3GS users to downgrade their iPhone baseband from 6.15.00 of iPad to 5.13.04 that is currently unlock-able.

Today Musclenerd has just updated the status of the downgrade tool by confirming that the tool will be released today that will allow all iPhone3G and iPhone3GS users to unlock their devices by downgrading their device's baseband to an unlock-able version that would be 5.13.04 and then user iPhone Dev-Team's ultrasn0w unlock. Musclenerd said:


Sunday should be a Funday for those waiting for 06.15 BB downgrade! ("Sunday"==PDT, i.e UTC-7). Blog will have details before release :)