Absithe 2.0 Jailbreak Supports iPad3 - Absinthe Untethered Jailbreak ~ Geeky Apple - The new iPad 3, iPhone iOS 5.1 Jailbreaking and Unlocking Guides | Jailbreak News, Guides, Tutorials | Scoop.it
Absinthe 2.0 iPad3 jailbreak download Absinthe Jailbreak supports iPad3 download Absinthe untethered jailbreak for iPad3 release date download...


Earlier we discussed that Chronic Dev-Team would be releasing the jailbreak tool Absinthe on Friday. One day ahead of its release, Pod2g confirms that the upcoming jailbreak Absinthe will support iPad3 and has been tested to work perfect on the new iPad3. Pod2g has announced on twitter that his jailbreak tool Absinthe now works perfectly on iPad3. He has also said that the next and the final device for testing would be iPad2.  Chronic Dev-Team will be releasing the untethered jailbreak for iOS 5.1.1 naming it Absinthe 2.0 during the on going event HITB in Amsterdam this week. Chronic dev-Team members will be speaking during this event and talking about the corona and Absinthe jailbreak tool that were developed by this team. We have already discussed the agenda of HITB event yesterday where Chronic dev-team members will be giving presentations on Friday between 11:30 Am - 1:30 PM.