Absinthe 2.0.1 Download To Fix Waiting For Process To Complete Error ~ Geeky Apple - The new iPad 3, iPhone iOS 5.1 Jailbreaking and Unlocking Guides | Jailbreak News, Guides, Tutorials | Scoop.it
Absinthe 2.0.1 download absinthe 2.0.1 download for mac and windows. Absinthe 2.0,1 to fix waiting for process to complete download for windows and mac.


Following the errors that some users are receiving while jailbraking their iOS devices, Chronic Dev Team has released an update to Absinthe. Updated Absinthe 2.0.1 should fix all errors while jailbreaking iOS 5.1.1. It is recommended for iOS users who have been facing the error - waiting for process to complete' to download and run Absinthe 2.0.1 to fix the error.