A Teacher's Guide to Keeping Up With Your Tech-Savvy Students | EdSurge News | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education | Scoop.it
Do you ever wonder how a toddler can pick up a cell phone, or another mobile device, and easily navigate the device without ever having to be instructed on how to use it? Or how students can multi-task with technology by texting, social media surfing, and watching television all at the same time? Our children are digital natives, and we are digital immigrants.

My belief is that we should all be “Digital Explorers”.

We live in a technology-driven society that provides us with quick and easy access to just about anything at anytime. Teachers can no longer use the, “I’m too old to learn tech” excuse, because technology is here to stay. As teachers, it is our job to protect our children from the dangers that exist, and help them develop healthy tech habits, and become responsible digital citizens. Not sure how? Try these: