Cellphone Ban in Ontario takes effect. What does this mean? - Jennifer Casa Todd @JCasaTodd | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education | Scoop.it
Tomorrow, in the province of Ontario, a new cellphone “ban” takes effect. Devices are not allowed in classrooms and schools except for learning purposes. More specifically, the mandate states:

Personal mobile devices can be used during instructional time under the following circumstances:

For educational purposes as directed by the educator in the classroom
For health and medical purposes ( a physician’s note is not required; a note from a parent will suffice)
To support special education learning needs
Parents and naysayers may be saying, Thank goodness the government is tackling the issue of distraction and attention among students!

But guess what? That was already the policy at our school. Teachers will continue to ask kids to put their devices away or use their devices for learning.