The Simpsons meets Data Visualization – Towards Data Science | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education |
There are few things I love more than ​The Simpsons​. It is one of those shows that I think about on a daily basis. With thirty seasons and over 600 episodes, the animated comedy show holds a special place in my heart. Every so often, I find myself singing along when ​Mr. Plow​ or ​Everybody Hates Ned Flanders​ gets stuck in my head.

Naturally, when I discovered that I could download all of the episode scripts I could ever want (via kaggle​), I knew what I had to do. Armed with access to just about anything that Homer has ever said, I couldn’t resist putting on my data scientist hat in order tease out some insights from one of the most prominent animated television shows of the past three decades.