OneNote Class Notebook: A Digital Binder That Will Change the Way You Teach | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education |
Imagine you’re about to start a unit that will include the following activities:

Some direct instruction. This will come in the form of brief lectures from you, some videos, and a few PDFs that introduce key concepts.
Student note-taking from the direct instruction.
Guided practice and application of the key concepts and skills that were taught in the direct instruction. Some of this work will be individual, and some will be done in small groups.
A cumulative project that will require groups of students to gather research and create a multimedia presentation.
Now imagine doing all of those things inside a single digital platform, where you could share and deliver materials, access student work, and allow students to work together seamlessly at school or at home.

OneNote Class Notebook is that platform. It’s completely free for educators and it’s available everywhere: Windows, Mac, Chromebooks, iOS and Android devices.

Let’s look at how Class Notebook works and how it can change the way you teach.