Teaching the "Netflix Generation" #LT8keys | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education | Scoop.it

"The availability of content and the multitude of distribution platforms have grown exponentially in recent years. The explosion of social media, combined with the ability to stream content to virtually all types of devices, both at home and while on the go, has radically altered the way in which people interact with media. No longer does one have to wait until a scheduled time to watch their favorite television show. It’s available when and where they want it, often on various platforms and in multiple formats, with the click of a button. Users can even remove or ignore the media they don’t want, such as commercials. This “Netflix generation” of students (and all future generations) has no basis for understanding information that isn’t readily and immediately available. These students have come to expect high-quality content—on demand, anytime, and anywhere. This mindset puts our schools in an interesting position."