Generation Z: What will be the legacy they leave behind? - National | | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education |

"Gen Z’s present has always been one marked by upheaval and rapid change — economic, social and technological — with their futures imperilled by big problems like global warming, international terrorism and resource scarcity. But as they contend with, and build upon, the legacies of past cohorts, they are also laying the foundations for their own.

So the question becomes, what kind of world will gen Z leave to their children and grandchildren?"


The Entire Series:


1. Generation Z: Make room for Canada’s connected, open and optimistic generation


2. Is generation Z glued to technology? ‘It’s not an addiction; it’s an extension of themselves’


3. Generation Z: Waiting — often months — to get mental health help


4. Generation Z isn’t interested in dating or sex — or so we thought


5. Generation Z — Online, connected and set on fixing the world


6. Generation Z and the (achievable) dream jobs they want


7. Generation Z and the rise of digital influencers as celebrities


8. Generation Z: What will be the legacy they leave behind?