Raise Your Students’ Digital IQ – A Plan for Your Classroom | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education | Scoop.it
“More than half of 8-12 year olds are exposed to cyber-risks,” according to a 2018 report. These risks can include cyber-bullying, online sexual behaviors and video game addition. The threat is easy to see. Kids today spend hours a day online on computers and phones, much of it unmonitored. To protect your students from online threats you need to raise their Digital IQ.

What is Digital IQ?

According to the DQ Institute, an international think tank that aims to ensure every child acquires the skills they need to be informed users of digital media, “Digital Intelligence is the sum of technical, mental and social competencies essential to digital life.” It’s not only skills at coding and working with technology, but also avoiding the risks that technology exposes children to.