Demco Post: 3 Design Challenges for the Low Tech Makerspace | iPads, MakerEd and More  in Education |
Design challenges are a favorite tool of mine for inspiring student creativity in makerspaces (that’s why I co-wrote a book about them).  And by using low-tech materials in combination with design challenges, you can easily and affordably inspire student creativity.  Low-tech materials remind us that a makerspace is not defined by the specific materials and tools they contain, but rather by the learning experiences they create for students.

3 Design Challenges for the Low Tech Makerspace
To help make it easier for you to try out low-tech design challenges, I’ve written up prompts (based off the format in the book), supply lists and recommended resources.  Many of the supplies are things you may already have in your makerspace. If you don’t, you can easily source them.