Ready For The Visual Marketing Revolution? 12 Tips From Infographics Experts Column Five | IPAD, un nuevo concepto socio-educativo! |

Making Warby Parker's Annual Report VISUAL
As Beyonce proved when she rethought her last album to be more visual the visual marketing revolution is here (Beyonce covered here Here are 12 GREAT Visual Marketing Tips from Column 5 the Infographics experts:

1. Be Visual. 
2. Show YOUR Personality.

3. Only share NEWSWORTHY news.

4. Let People See Your Engine (able to look behind the curtain).

5. Focus on and Feature Your POEPLE.

6. Make IT Easy To Share (and IT is everything).

7. Present DATA in context.

8. Don't forget the TANGENTIAL. 
9. Share the LOVE. 
10. Product Tie-Ins should happen NATURALLY and ORGANICALLY.

11. Share VALUES.

12. Pat yourself on the BACK every now and again. 

My favorite is FEATURE YOUR PEOPLE. Clients ask me and/or complain they have no good content. Nonsense you have amazing content sitting at desks or on the shop floor.

Telling your product's story by proxy, by telling the stories of the people that work on it, is a brilliant way to create STICKY content that isn't self-serving and feels more TRUE.  


Via Martin (Marty) Smith