Mike Caulfield Smart Talk Truth is in the Network | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path | Scoop.it

Mike Caulfield’s Twitter profile states he is “radically rethinking how information literacy is taught.” He has had a lot of experience doing just that since he first designed educational games, created educational wikis, and co-founded a 5,000-member online community, Blue Hampshire. He took his interests in civic media to positions as an instructional designer at Keene State College and as the director for the OpenCourseWare Consortium at MIT before becoming a national figure in promoting a practical and effective approach to digital literacy. 


So what’s different with our approach? Well, our four moves—which we now refer to by the acronym SIFT—move students from a recognition heuristic to networked reputation heuristics, and from thinking about to doing. The moves are:

  • (S)top.
  • (I)nvestigate the source.
  • (F)ind better coverage.
  • (T)race claims, quotes, and media to the original context.