Learning Should Be Fun: Gaming for Adult Learners | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path | Scoop.it

 Twenty English language learners, gathered at an East Boston community-based organization, are playing a storytelling game on their mobile phones. After beating the game and receiving a check mark for a successful mission, the players return to a virtual world where they, as their avatars, mingle with players in Florida. They chat by typing messages and arrange to play a word-guessing game together.

This is English Innovations, a blended English language learning model combining a classroom environment with self-paced online tools. One of the tools, Xenos, uses single- and multi-player social games to help adults build English language skills. Overall, the model delivers a flexible learning environment for adult learners with jobs and families, keeping them immersed and engaged.

It’s an exciting model, but one that is all too rare.