Collabordependent Writing with Google Slides | Control Alt Achieve | Information and digital literacy in education via the digital path |

Technology can have it's pain points. Take peer feedback for example.

  • We want to students to be able to write, express themselves, create, etc.
  • Then we want them to be able to share what they made with their peers.
  • Then we want their peers to be able to provide constructive feedback.

Normally we use Google Docs for a task like this. For the most part, that is an excellent option, but there can be some challenges.
If all 25 students in a class do their writing in their own Google Docs, then we need to find an easy way to share 25 different Docs, and we need to open 25 different Docs to see everyone's work.
Or if all 25 students write in the same Google Doc, then it can take some work to keep each student's writing separate, and to easily navigate from one student to the next.