Pervasive Connectivity & What We Can Do on the Web Will Shape Our Lives! | information analyst |

Absolutely fascinating!




In 2008 the number of devices connected to the Internet surpassed the number of people connected, and in 2020 there will be 50 billion things connected, 7 times the world’s population, according to Dave Evans of Cisco.


The infographic below highlights some of the key features of the Internet of things, including the pace of growth, how external data can be aggregated so that your alarm clocks, cars, and coffee makers make decisions to fit with your schedule, and that some cameras and computers are now just a cubic millimeter.


An amazing statistic is that by end of 2011, 20 typical households will generate more Internet traffic than the entire Internet in 2008. That is slightly unbelievable, and I would like to know how they define ‘typical’ and what data is generated for Internet communication.


However it is important to recognize that the Internet of things is one of the most important ways to understand our connected future. Pervasive connectivity, and the amazing things we will be able to do with that, will shape our lives.

Via janlgordon