10 great online collaboration tools for designers | DIGITAL LEARNING | Scoop.it
These interactive, real-time collaboration tools make designers' work easier - wherever you are in the world.


A team of designers does not always work in the same office; you work in distributed groups, and clients can be based all over the world. This is where collaboration tools come in - they make it easier and faster for designers to get feedback and approve artwork in a professional manner.


These apps come in many varying formats, with some that are created specifically for designers, some that serve as a concept crafting whiteboard, those with tools to make simple annotations, and some are all-in-one web apps that include an element of project management.


Here we gather together 10 of the best available online tools to allow designers to take part in collaborational work in real time.


The first five tools are for collaboration on existing work and mock-ups, whereas the latter five (from 06. to 10.) are best used for concept drafting and brainstorming.