4 security suites that protect all your devices | ICT Security Tools | Scoop.it
Security suites from McAfee, Symantec, Trend Micro and Webroot offer protection for all your devices along with Web-based management.


Security is no longer a one-machine affair. Most people today use two or more devices -- for example, you could be using a work desktop, a personal laptop, a tablet and a smartphone. And it's possible, if not probable, that you're using two or more operating systems, such as Windows, OS X, Android, iOS or Windows Phone.

No matter what devices you use, you can be sure of one thing: The bad guys are out to get you. There's a lot of malware out there, and it's targeting almost every operating system available.


===> That means you -- and your family -- need multi-device protection. <===


Gust MEES: But protection alone isn't enough, you need also to know that ALL updates from installed programs on your devices are made and also to know some dangers where you have especially to be aware, such as when using WiFi, public Hotspots... Check my FREE courses here where you will get ALL the best Tips:








- http://gustmees.wordpress.com/category/get-smart-with-5-minutes-tutorials/


- http://www.scoop.it/t/apple-mac-ios4-ipad-iphone-and-in-security


- http://www.scoop.it/t/ict-security-tools


- http://www.scoop.it/t/securite-pc-et-internet


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