Awakenings: ♫Teen Idol♫ | Human Interest |
The teen idols dominated the scene for the decades 40s, 50s, 60s. Many of today's performers boast of the experience passing through the teen idol phase of success. These are the heartthrobs that mesmerize swooning crowds of young people. To this day, "They are dream mates who fuel romantic daydreams, and provide a safe release for hormonally-charged emotions. (Source: Teen Idols)." In the 60s, during a time when 'screen images' were just as important as musical talent, marketing focused generally on the image. The teen idol was structured to appeal to the pre-teen and young teen female pop audience member and children in general. Their sheer magnetism was a box office draw.

Today in Music History: August 24, 1967

Via Sharla Shults