Creating a Therapy Dog Program -School Library Journal | Heart_Matters - Faith, Family, & Love - What Really Matters! |
As a school library media specialist, I’ve always wanted to combine my two personal interests in the library: books and dogs. Public libraries programs with children reading to dogs inspired me to start a program in my school library.

In my previous role as a middle school librarian in New Hampshire, I proposed an initiative for students to read to dogs in the library, but was told no dogs were allowed on school property for any reason. This was not the community to embrace therapy dogs in the library.

Three years ago, I took a position at a library that serves middle and high school students in a Boston suburb. My first year, when students were taking Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System, I noticed de-stressing stations in the school lobby. Chocolate tasting and aromatherapy stations were set up in the lobby near a fenced off area where students could visit with dogs and handlers.

I also noticed one of my principals brought his own dog to school every day during the summer. I researched my idea of using therapy dogs in the library for this more receptive environment. When I approached the principals with my proposed reading therapy dog program, they agreed to let me pilot the idea. Organizing and coordinating this popular dog therapy program has added to my daily workload, however, it is so much fun that it does not feel like work.

Via John Evans