Study Proves Electromagnetic Fields from Cell Towers Can Amplify Pain | Health Supreme |

First of its kind study proves that cell tower signals can stimulate damaged human nerve tissue. 


If you’ve ever wondered if the thousands of cell phone towers and electromagnetic signals permeating society nowadays could be potentially harmful to your body, mind and to the natural environment, you’re not alone.


A small minority of people are so sensitive to electromagnetic radiation they’ve even been forced to move into cave-like domiciles designed to insulate them from such signals. We are, after all, energetic beings, as are all lifeforms, and although something may lie outside of our ordinary perception does not imply that it is harmless. 


It turns out that electromagnetic signals from cell phone towers do in fact directly affect the human body in physical ways, and surprisingly, for amputees, common cellular signals can amplify sensations of pain in the body, when in the presence of such emissions. 


The University of Texas at Dallas gives concrete evidence that these types of now ubiquitous signals can actually amplify pain in amputees by immediately stimulating nerve tissue that had suffered traumatic damage. 


There are more studies out there. Here is a list of more than thirty studies compiled two years ago...