5 Driving Tips For A Rainy day ~ Grease n Gasoline | Cars | Motorcycles | Gadgets | Scoop.it


5 Driving Tips For A Rainy day ~ Grease n GasolineWhat is Hydroplaning?

When the road is wet, going above certain speed can cause your car to hydroplane. Hydroplane is a condition when a small layer of water is formed between your tires and he surface of the road. As a result, your car glides on the water film and you lose control on your vehicle. Hydroplaning can occur at speeds as low as 30 mph depending on the amount of water on road, road condition, and the condition of your vehicle. Hydroplaning is more likely if tire pressure is low, or the tires have low tread.

Losing control of your car on wet pavement is a frightening experience.

Skids are scary but hydroplaning is completely nerve-wracking.

Hydroplaning happens when the water in front of your tires builds up faster than your car's weight can push it out of the way. The water pressure causes your car to rise up and slide on a thin layer of water between your tires.

Taking these simple tips into account can save your life.