6 Beautiful Places to Celebrate Spring in Italy | Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d'Italia | Scoop.it

Italy in spring? Stunning! But while that’s true no matter where you are (in fact, here are 6 reasons we love Italy in springtime), we tend to think that nothing shouts spring!… more than blooming flowers. And gorgeous views. And verdant landscapes. Especially in a country as full of natural beauty as this one.

You agree? Then make sure you check out our list of places you especially won’t want to miss in Italy in springtime.

Here are 6 of our favorites.

The DolomitesRavello, on the Amalfi coastThe Umbrian countrysideAbruzzo’s Campo ImperatoreTuscany’s Val d’OrciaItaly’s lake district, including Lago Maggiore, Como, and Garda

Via Mariano Pallottini