Celebrating 750 years of Fabriano | Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d'Italia | Scoop.it

Founded in 1264, Fabriano remains the European leader in paper production

It is undeniable that “very few companies can claim a longer or distinguished heritage than Fabriano”. This extraordinary Italian paper mill was founded in 1264, at a time in which its fine arts papers were used and praised by the Renaissance icon Michelanglo Buonarroti. However, Michelangelo was not the only celebrity with a weakness for Fabriano paper. The German composer Ludwig van Beethoven was also a great fan of Fabriano [...]

To celebrate its 750th birthday, Fabriano just published a new book “Cotone, Conigli e invisibili segni d’acqua. 750 anni di storia della carta Fabriano” (In English, Rags, Rabbit Skins and Invisible Watermarks. 750 years of papermaking in Fabriano). The book, edited by Chiara Medioli, whole reenacting the history of this prestigious paper mill, puts a lot of emphasis on materials and technologies involved in paper production. Indeed, “Cotone” reminds about the materials origianlly used to produce paper; “conigli” about the special glue Fabriano experts created using rabbits’ skin to strengthen paper resistance, and “acqua” about the fact that we can’t have paper without water.

Via Mariano Pallottini