Tempera Ascoli Piceno: olives in brine from 1938 | Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d'Italia | Scoop.it

To prepare the delicious Fried stuffed olives Ascolana style - Olive Ripiene All'Ascolana – you need, as indispensable ingredient, the great big green Olives which you can buy "in salamoia" (brine).
These kind of olives are produced by a local variety of olive tree called Ascolana Tenera and which does produce big fat olives.
The Ascolana Tenera is a green olive juicy with a pleasant sweet flavor. The large olive fruits, which weigh between 8 to 10 grams, are harvested between September and October.
One of the most famous merchant of this extraordinary product is Tempera. The Tempera family sells olives in brine from 1938 ...

Via Mariano Pallottini