How to Dress Like an Italian: Spring Edition | Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d'Italia |

Everyone’s heard about Italian fashion—which means some travelers worry about what to wear in Italy.
Here’s the good news: You don’t have to dress exactly like an Italian, and no one will expect you to! The most important thing to keep in mind is to wear what makes you most comfortable. That’s not always (or even usually) what Italians will be wearing… and that’s perfectly okay.
That said, a lot of travelers do want to try to dress like the locals when they travel. They see it as a way to “blend in” a bit more (although, of course, keep in mind that you’ll still be given away by something, like your hand gestures or even makeup—before you even open your mouth!). Plus, we love the idea of cultural immersion while traveling. And since fashion is an important part of Italian culture, what could be a more fun kind of cultural immersion than dressing as the locals do?
Need some tips to get started on how to dress like the Italians?
Here’s your checklist of items to look out for—and that you’ll see lots of Italians wearing—in the spring!

A light jacket, or trench coat, for women [...]A well-tailored jacket, for men [...]A great pair of sunglasses [...]Pants in fun colors - like green, red, or pink (yes, for men, too!) [...]Leather or suede shoes [...]Jewelry, for women [...]Scarves, for both genders [...]A chic handbag, for women—or a “man bag,” for men [...]
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Via Mariano Pallottini