Acqualagna: Magical land of the truffle | Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d'Italia |

In Acqualagna, the saying goes that “it’s truffles year round”. The prized black winter truffle and the black summer truffle, the ‘little white’ spring truffle and especially, the white fall truffle, give this little inland Marche town its unique distinguishing feature: it is THE place for truffles. Food is at once history, tradition and art. Each territory expresses these in its products, each having unique characteristics and high quality. Acqualagna lies on favored land where for centuries it has been known for its prized tuber production that leaves here to grace the tables in homes and restaurants, to regale the senses of epicures everywhere. The landscape is pure enchantment: the Apennines on one side and the rock of the Furlo on the other, cut by the Metauro River, a rocky embrace softened by lush green oak, hornbeam and maple woods. This is the land that works its magic to make that most splendid product, the white truffle, sent all over the world just in the last few weeks. Expert trufflers jealously guard their treasure as they search for all the different delectable varieties from one month to the next. The beginning of the prized white truffle season...


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Via Mariano Pallottini