World Fine Art Professionals and their Key-Pieces, 25 – Dario Ballantini | Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d'Italia |

Dario Ballantini is an artistic multitalent. Foremost he excells in painting and acting. He is known in Italy above all as a comedian and film actor. He plays the role of well known personalities in the sphere of politics and popular entertaiment like Nanni Moretti, Giorgio Napolitano and Dario Fo.

‘I’ve always dreamt to become an artist’, Ballantini says. ‘It started when I was a child.’ He got into contact with painting and theatre within the walls of his house in Livorno in Tuscany. His father painted in a neo realist style, an uncle painted in post Macchiaioli style. The Macchiaioli were a group of Italian painters from Tuscany in the second half of thenineteenth century, who broke with the conventions of the Italian academies of art. Many did their painting outdoors in order to capture natural light, shade and colour. You can compoare it with the French Impressionists who came to prominence a few years later.