The Polyptych by Giovanni Boccati in the Church of Saint Eustace in Belforte del Chienti | Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d'Italia |

The polyptych of Belforte is one of the most mature works created by Giovanni Boccati who wanted to merge the memories of late gothic precepts with Renaissance influences.
Boccati has given to the Saint Eustace church a fascinating masterpiece in gothic carpentry. Aware that the territory offers several examples of that so-called shady Renaissance, you must visit Belforte del Chienti to taste the symbolic art and the sumptuousness of the spiritual world of the time in a composition made up of deeply interlinked and inseparable elements.
As the inscriptions read, the polyptych was made by Giovanni Boccati da Camerino in 1468 for the high altar of the Belforte church and commissioned by Taliano di Lippo, in accordance with the prior and the notables of the time. The whole complex celebrates the figure of Saint Eustace, who was the patron of the town and after whom the church had been named. His story is drawn from the Golden Legend, a collection of hagiographies written by Jacopo da Varazze in the eighteenth century, and can be read, counterclockwise, in the four panels of the predella.

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Via Mariano Pallottini