10 Things About Basilicata: It’s Not Just a Bunch of Rocks! | Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d'Italia | Scoop.it
Basilicata may not be as popular as other Italian regions such as Tuscany, Umbria or Lombardy but it's actually a lovely place with a lot to offer.

Rocks. That’s the first thing that comes to people’s minds when the Italian region of Basilicata is mentioned. Yes, rocks.  Basilicata may not be as popular as other Italian regions such as Tuscany, Umbria or Lombardy but it’s actually a lovely place with a lot to offer, and what rocks they do have, are really remarkably pretty. If you ever find yourself planning an off-the-beaten-path holiday in Italy, then here are the ten things you need to know about Basilicata!

Sassi di Matera and its prehistoric caves

Melfi’s castle

Pollino National Park

Basilicata has GREAT wine

Carmine Crocco, the folk hero

Summer fun in Metaponto and Policoro

Lagonegro and the Mona Lisa

Craco, the Ghost Town

Chiaromonte’s ancient history

Grotta dell’Angelo’s cave adventures

Via Mariano Pallottini