Vicenza Walks: Basilica Palladiana | Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d'Italia |

Widely considered to be the most influential individual in the history of Western architecture, Renaissance master builder Andrea Palladio created an architectural style known the world over as Palladianism.

The epicenter of his life’s work is stunningly on display in Vicenza — City of Palladio — in the Veneto region of northeastern Italy.

I can’t think of a better way to show you around my adopted hometown than via a “virtual” walking tour. Are you up for it? Great! Let’s head out.

Within the historic city walls, 23 individual buildings or sections of buildings were designed, reconstructed or attributed to Palladio. Among these is the just-restored Basilica Palladiana. We’ll stop here now, and save the other 22 sites for future passeggiate (walks).

Standing ornate alongside Vicenza’s “living room” — Piazza dei Signori — the Basilica was originally constructed in the 15th century as the Palazzo della Ragione where it housed the seat of government on the mezzanine and private enterprise on the ground floor. When part of the building collapsed, Palladio was commissioned by the Council of One Hundred, in 1549, to breath new life into it.

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Via Mariano Pallottini